Matthew DeCamp
Matthew DeCamp
Office: 235 Sharp Lab
Lab Location: 012 Sharp Lab
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PhD Physics 2002 Univ. of Michigan. Joined UD 2006
The study of ultrafast dynamics in nanoscaled systems
Y. Gao, Z. Chen, T. Drake, and M. F. DeCamp, "Half-Cycle-Pulse TeraHertz emission from an ultrafast laser-plasma in a solid target," Optics Lett. 33, 2776 (2008).|S. Palaniyappan, R. Mitchell, R. Sauer, I. Ghebregziabher, S.L. White, M.F. DeCamp, and B.C. Walker. ``Ionization of Methane in Strong and Ultrastrong Relativistic Fields,'' Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 100, 183001 (2008). |M.F. DeCamp, K.C. Jones, L. DeFlores, and A. Tokmakoff, ``Single-shot two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy,'' Optics Express Vol. 15 233 (2007).|M. F. DeCamp and A. Tokmakoff, "Single-shot two-dimensional spectrometer," Optics Lett. 31, 113 (2006).|M.F. DeCamp and A. Tokmakoff, ``Upconversion multichannel Infrared spectrometer,'' Opt. Lett., Vol. 30 1818--1820 (2005).