John Clem
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PhD from Vanderbilt University, Joined UD 08/01/1993
Professor Clem is an experimental physicist that uses electronics, particle detectors, radio receivers and numerical algorithms to study different aspects of cosmic rays, solar events, magnetic fields in space and cosmic neutrinos.
Observational constraints on the ultrahigh energy cosmic neutrino flux from the second flight of the ANITA experiment (Vol 82, 022004, 2010), P. W. Gorham, P. Allison, B. M. Baughman, J. J. Beatty, K. Belov, D. Z. Besson, S. Bevan, W. R. Binns, C. Chen, P. Chen, J. M. Clem, A. Connolly, M. Detrixhe, D. De Marco, P. F. Dowkontt, M. DuVernois, E. W. Grashorn, B. Hill, S. Hoover, M. Huang, M. H. Israel, A. Javaid, K. M. Liewer, S. Matsuno, B. C. Mercurio, C. Miki, M. Mottram, J. Nam, R. J. Nichol, K. Palladino, A. Romero-Wolf, L. Ruckman, D. Saltzberg, D. Seckel, G. S. Varner, A. G. Vieregg, Y. Wang, Physical Review D, 85, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.049901, 2012.|3D Wavy Heliospheric Current Sheet Drifts, C. Pei, J. Bieber, A. Burger, J. Clem. Astrophysical Journal, 744, 170, 2011.|Balloon-borne observations of the galactic positron fraction during solar minimum negative polarity. Clem J and Evenson P, Journal of Geophysical Research , 114, A10108, doi:10.1029/2009JA014225, 2009. |S. W. Barwick et al., "Constraints on cosmic neutrino fluxes from the ANITA experiment", Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 171101 (2006).|“Relativistic Solar Neutrons and Protons on 28 October 2003”, J.W. Bieber, J.M. Clem, P.A. Evenson, R. Pyle, D. Ruffolo, A. Saiz, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L03S02, doi:10.1029/2004GL021492, 2005.|“New calculations of the atmospheric cosmic radiation field—results for neutron spectra”, J. M. Clem, G. De Angelis, P. Goldhagen, and J. W. Wilson, Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 110: 423-428, 2004.