Jamie Holder
B.Sc. University of Leeds, UK; Ph.D. Durham University, UK; UD faculty since 2006
My research is in the field of gamma-ray astronomy, concerned with the study of astrophysical sources of very high energy gamma-ray photons (VHE; > 100 GeV). I work with VERITAS; an array of four imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes in Arizona, constructed and operated by a collaboration of 100 members from over 20 institutions in the US, Canada, Germany and Ireland. VERITAS has detected gamma-ray emission from more than 60 astrophysical sources including supernova remnants, active galaxies, pulsars and their nebulae. I served as collaboration spokesperson from 2012-2013. I am also involved with the CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) Consortium, which devised the major next generation facility for gamma-ray astronomy. The consortium consists of over 1500 members from around 200 institutes in more than 30 countries.