Arijit Bose
Dr. Arijit Bose is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Delaware (UD). Prior to UD, he was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT – Plasma Science and Fusion Center, and a Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Arijit received his PhD in Physics from the University of Rochester in 2017 and his BSc. (Hons.) in Physics from the Chennai Mathematical Institute, India. He received the F. J. Horton Graduate Research Fellowship to conduct his doctoral thesis research on inertial confinement fusion (ICF) at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE), which houses the Omega laser facility, a unique national resource for conducting High-Energy-Density Physics experiments.
Arijit’s research uses high-power lasers, like the Omega laser at LLE and the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, or pulsed-power systems, like the Z-machine at Sandia National Laboratory, to study matter at extreme conditions. The experiments replicate various astrophysics phenomena occurring in the universe, scaled down to the laboratory, that are used to unravel intricate physics of the universe. Currently, we are conducting laboratory astrophysics experiments at the Omega laser facility to study strongly magnetized plasma jets and turbulence related to coronal mass ejections from the Sun.
The Omega and NIF lasers and the Z pulsed power machine are used to conduct inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments. ICF experiments produce conditions like in the center of the sun for nuclear fusion to occur. The volume of the fusion plasma in these high precision ICF experiments is tiny, typically 1/1000 of a millimeter, and sustains fusion for a few hundred picoseconds - one can imagine this to be somewhat like a short-lived miniature star in the laboratory. Our research typically engages collaborations between several research teams at the National Laboratories and Universities. Our group at UD typically conducts numerical simulations to design, analyze and explain various aspects of the ICF experiments.
A. Bose, J. Peebles, C. A. Walsh, J. A. Frenje, N. V. Kabadi, P. J. Adrian, G. D. Sutcliffe, M. Gatu Johnson, C. A. Frank et. al., “Effect of Strongly Magnetized Electrons and Ions on Heat Flow and Symmetry of Inertial Fusion Implosions”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 195002 (2022).
V. Gopalaswamy, R. Betti, J. P. Knauer, N. Luciani, D. Patel, K. M. Woo, A. Bose et. al., "Tripled yield in direct-drive laser fusion through statistical modeling", Nature 565, 581-586 (2019).
A. Bose, R. Betti, D. Mangino, K. M. Woo, D. Patel, A. R. Christopherson, V. Gopalaswamy, et. al, "Analysis of trends in experimental observables: Reconstruction of the implosion dynamics and implications for fusion yield extrapolation for direct-drive cryogenic targets on OMEGA", Phys. Plasmas 25, 062701 (2018).
A. Bose, R. Betti, D. Shvarts, and K. M. Woo, "The physics of long- and intermediate-wavelength asymmetries of the hot spot: Compression hydrodynamics and energetics", Phys. Plasmas, 24, 102704 (2017).
A. Bose, K. M. Woo, R. Betti, E. M. Campbell, D. Mangino, et. al., "Core conditions for alpha heating attained in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion", Phys. Rev. E 94, 011201(R) (2016).
A. Bose, K. M. Woo, R. Nora, and R. Betti, "Hydrodynamic scaling of the deceleration-phase Rayleigh-Taylor instability", Phys. Plasmas 22, 072702 (2015).
Celebrating a celestial centennial
September 17, 2024 | Written by Beth MillerUD’s Bartol Research Institute marks 100 years of extraterrestrial physics -
Shaping a new generation of nuclear fusion researchers
December 08, 2023 | Written by Beth MillerRobert Spiers is a doctoral student at the University of Delaware, studying nuclear fusion with his mentor, Arijit Bose, assistant professor of physics and astronomy. Spiers has won support for his studies from the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration, including an internship at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. -
Promoting nuclear fusion
August 11, 2022 | Written by Beth MillerAssistant Professor Arijit Bose is a new member of the University of Delaware’s Department of Physics and Astronomy. He has grants from the Laboratory for Laser Energetics in Rochester and Sandia National Lab to study inertial confinement fusion with applied magnetic fields.