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Department of Philosophy
University of Delaware
24 Kent Way
Newark, DE 19716, USA
Donor Molly McKaughan stands between the two recipients of the Nicholas Fremont Plummer Philosophy Prize, who are holding their certificates.
In spring 2022, donor Molly McKaughan met with the first recipient of the Nicholas Freemont Plummer Philosophy Prize, Jeremy Cushing (2001 winner), and the most recent, Raymond Peters (2022 winner).​ McKaughan created the prize in memory and honor of her son, Nick, who passed away in 2001. Nick was a philosophy major at UD, and a philosophy junior is annually awarded the Plummer prize, often by Molly herself.

Support scholars of philosophy

​​Make a tax-deductible gift online to support the Department of Philosophy at the University of ​Delaware. Your contributions make a real difference in our students' lives and the department's future. Every year, your generous donations help fund a diverse range of activities that enrich the life of our department.

With your support, we can:

  • Organize high-profile, university-wide events stimulating philosophical discussion and introducing the discipline to a wider audience.
  • Host debates, panel discussions, speakers, and conferences featuring leading thinkers on controversial issues.
  • Continue the prestigious Norton lectures, which bring renowned philosophers in their fields to Delaware.

Most importantly, we can enrich the educational journeys of our students with the following opportunities:

  • Hire undergraduate teaching assistants to assist with classes and learn the profession.
  • Offer cash prizes for student writing contests.
  • Honor student excellence through the Plummer and Palmer prizes.
  • Subsidize attendance at conferences for our undergraduate majors.
  • Invite visiting speakers to participate in the senior seminar, giving students the opportunity to meet the authors they read in the seminar.

If you have any questions about supporting the Department of Philosophy, please contact the Office of Annual Giving at or call 866-535-4504.