Noel Swanson
Noel Swanson
Office location
24 Kent Way, Room 102, Newark, DE 19716
- Ph.D. – Princeton University
- A.B. – Harvard University
Noel Swanson, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Delaware. His research areas include philosophy of physics philosophy of science, and logic.
Current Work
Foundations of Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, Theoretical Equivalence, Scientific Explanation
Sample of Publications
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory, Elements in the Philosophy of Physics, Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)
“Can Quantum Thermodynamics Save Time?" Philosophy of Science (2021)
“On the Ostrogradski Instability; or, Why Physics Really Uses Second Derivatives," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2019)
“Deciphering the Algebraic CPT Theorem," Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (2019)
“How to be a Relativistic Spacetime State Realist," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2018)
Courses Regularly Taught
PHIL 105 Critical Thinking |
PHIL 205 Logic |
PHIL 305 Twentieth Century Philosophy |
PHIL 306 Philosophy of Science |