Graduate Student Resources
Graduate Student Resources
The Blue Book
The policy manual for the Graduate Program in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware is known as the "Blue Book". Through both maintenance and curriculum development, the Blue Book changes from year to year. Students entering the program can choose to be governed by the policies in place when they begin their studies, or by any single later year's policies. Prospective students interested in the finer details of the program's policies should refer to the most recent edition of the Blue Book provided below.
The Graduate Studies Committee
The Graduate Studies Committee establishes policy for the graduate program and assists the Director of Graduate Studies in administering the program. The committee is chaired by the Director of Graduate Studies and consists of four additional faculty members. For this year (2023-2024), the committee members are:
- Ivan Todorov, Chair (todorov@udel.edu)
- Philippe Guyenne (guyenne@udel.edu)
- Shuxing Li (shuxingl@udel.edu)
- Mokshay Madiman (madiman@udel.edu)
- Yvonne Ou (mou@udel.edu)
In addition, a graduate student representative sits on some of the committee meetings. For 2023-2024, the graduate student representative is Gage Hoefer (ghoefer@udel.edu). If you have questions pertaining to the graduate program, feel free to contact any member of the committee. A full description of the duties of the Graduate Studies Committee can be found in the Department Bylaws, section 5.2.
Financial support is part of your formal offer of admission. Absent special circumstances, support for PhD students is guaranteed for five years. Support is extremely limited for students enrolled in the master's degree programs.
The sources of funding in fall and spring semesters include:
- Teaching Assistantship (TA),
- Graduate Assistantship (GA, typically a grader),
- Research Assistantship (RA), and
- Fellowship (both internal and external).
All sources include a tuition waiver. The TA, GA, and internal Fellowship stipends are all identical and more than the university minimum, which increases every year. RA and Fellowship stipends are set by the funding agency.
The five-year guarantee includes support from all sources; sources for each student are determined year to year. While receiving financial aid, students cannot have any other employment, and must not enroll in any other degree programs.
Students are eligible for additional summer stipends after the first year, and in a later summer after admission to PhD candidacy. Students are eligible (subject to external agency restrictions) to earn additional money from teaching during Winter or Summer sessions, though there are not always enough assignments for all students who want them.
Students are eligible for a total of $1,000 from the department for conference or workshop travel during their studies. The Graduate Office will supplement the amount by another $1,000 in many circumstances. You must apply for the funds well in advance of the travel date, use the application form. Please reach out to Ms. Teresa Twohig, tteresa@udel.edu to receive the form.
The Graduate College has a set of forms to help students track their degree progress. Links to the most current forms and information can be found on the Graduate College resource page.
Linear Algebra
Topics covered on the exam include the following. Most of these topics are discussed in Math 672.
- Subspaces, bases and dimension (Chapters 1 - 2, [1], ).
- Linear transformations and matrix representations (Chapter 3, [1]; Chapters III - IV, [3]).
- Determinants and rank (Chapter VI, Section V.3, [3]).
- Inner products and inner product spaces (Chapter 6, [1]).
- Linear functionals, adjoints, and dual spaces (Chapter 7, [1]; Chapter I. F, [2]).
- Bilinear forms, Hermitian forms, and Quadratic forms ( Sections IV.A - IV.C, [2], Chapter V [3]).
- Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and characteristic polynomials (Sections VIII.1 - VIII.2, [3]).
- Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (Sections III.A - III.C, [2]).
- Operators on inner product spaces and Spectral Theorems (Chapter 7, [1]; Section III.D, [2]; Section VIII.3 - VIII.6, [3]).
- Jordan Canonical Form (Chapter XI, [3]; Section III.E, [2]; Chapter 8, [1])
Chapter and section numbers refer to
[1] S. Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
[2] M.L. Curtis, Abstract Linear Algebra, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
[3] S. Lang, Linear Algebra, Third Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1987.
Real Analysis
Topics covered on the exam include the following. Except the part on multivariable calculus, most of these topics are discussed in Math 600.
- Metric Spaces: open and closed sets, compactness, connected sets, complete sets, continuous functions on metric spaces ([1], Chapters 3 and 4, [3] Chapter 2).
- Continuity and Differentiation: mean value theorem, Rolle's theorem, Taylor's formula, derivatives of vector valued functions, uniform continuity, monotonic functions ([1], Chapters 5 and 6, [3] Chapter 4).
- Infinite Sequences and Series: Limit superior and limit inferior, monotonic sequences, alternating series, absolute and conditional convergence, power series, tests for convergence of series, rearrangement of series ([1], Chapter 8, [3] Chapter 3).
- Sequences of Functions: Pointwise convergence, uniform convergence, uniform convergence and continuity, differentiability and integration ([1], Chapter 9, [3] Chapter 7).
- Riemann integration ([1] Chapter 7, [3] Chapter 6).
- Functions of Several Variables: Directional derivatives, the total derivative, Jacobians, inverse function theorem, implicit function theorem, extrema problems ([1], Chapters 12 and 13).
- Vector Calculus: Line integrals, Green's theorem, surface integrals, Stokes theorem, the divergence theorem ([2], Chapters 10, 11 and 12).
Chapter numbers refer to
[1] T. Apostol, Mathematical Analysis, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 1974.[2] T. Apostol, Calculus, Vol. 2, 2nd edition, John Wiley, 1969.[3] W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, 1976.
Integration and Complex Variables
Topics covered on the exam include the following. Most of these topics are discussed in Math 602.
- Construction and properties of the Lebesgue measure
- Lebesgue measurable and integrable functions
- The dominated convergence theorem, Fatou's lemma, the monotone convergence theorem, and the bounded convergence theorem
- Analytic functions, Taylor series, Cauchy's theorem, the generalized Cauchy integral formula
- The maximum modulus principle and Liouville's theorem
- Laurent series, the residue theorem and applications to computation of integrals
References are:
- [1], Chapter 10 and [2] Chapters 2-4 and 7 for items 1-3.
- [1] Chapter 16 and [3] Chapters 2, 4, and 5 for items 4-6.
[1] Tom Apostol, Mathematical Analysis, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 1974.
[2] H.L. Royden, P.M. Fitzpatrick. Real Analysis, 4th edition. Person, 2010.
[3] L. Ahlfors, Complex analysis, 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill, 1979
Applied Mathematics
Topics covered on the exam include the following. Most of these topics are discussed in Math 617.
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Fourier series (use in PDEs) [1] ch. 3.
- Sturm-Liouville theory (as preparation for eigenfunction expansions of PDEs) [1] ch. 5.
- Green's functions [2] §5.5
- Bessel and Legendre functions (as eigenfunctions for PDEs in alternate geometries) [1] ch. 7.
- Second-Order Linear PDEs
- Separation of variables [1], ch. 2
- Fourier and Laplace transform methods [1] ch. 10 and 13
- The diffusion equation (maximum principle) [1] ch. 2
- Laplace's equation (maximum principle, Poisson's integral formula): [1] §9.5
- The wave equation (characteristics, d'Alembert's solution): [1] §12.3
- Variational principles: [2] §4.1, 4.3
Section and chapter references are given from
[1] Haberman, Richard. Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, 5th ed. New York: Pearson, 2013.
[2] Logan, J. David. Applied Mathematics, 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 2013.
Numerical Methods
Topics covered on the exam include the following. Most of these topics are discussed in Math 611.
- Polynomial interpolation:
- Lagrange and Newton form [QSS, 8.1,8.2].
- Piecewise interpolation in 1 and 2D [QSS, 8.4, 8.6].
- Splines [8.7,8.8].
- Numerical Integration and Finite Differences:
- Newton-Cotes and composite formulae [9.2, 9.3, 9.4].
- Singular integrals [9.8].
- Orthogonal polynomials [10.1].
- Gaussian quadrature [10.2, 10.4].
- Approximation of derivatives [10.10]
- Numerical solution of Ordinary Differential Equations:
- Gronwall Lemma [11.1].
- One step methods [11.2],
- Stability and consistency [11.3]
- Difference equations [11.4]
- Multistep methods [11.5]
- Consistency and stability [11.6]
- Runge Kutta methods [11.8]
- Stiff Problems [11.10]
- Finite Differences
- Finite difference approximation to two point boundary value problems [QSS12.2]
- Discretization of the heat equation [13.2]
The section numbers refer to Numerical Mathematics by A. Quarteroni, R. Sacco, and F. Saleri.
Topics covered on the exam include the following. Most of these topics are discussed in Math 650.
- Elementary Group Theory
- basics (group, subgroup, cosets, Theorem of Lagrange) (Ch. 1,2)
- Homomorphisms, normal subgroups and Isomorphism Theorems. (Ch. 3)
- Classification of Finite Abelian Groups. (Ch. 7AB)
- Commutative Rings
- Polynomial rings, PIDs and UFDs. (Ch. 16)
- Fields and field extensions, splitting fields. (Ch. 17)
- Finite Fields (Ch. 21AB)
- Structure and uniqueness. Subfields. (Ch. 21A)
- Irreducible polynomials (and counting them). (Ch. 21B)
Chapter numbers refer to I.M. Isaacs, Algebra, A graduate course.
Stochastic Processes
Topics covered on the exam include the following. Most of these topics are discussed in Math 631.
- Markov chains (discrete-time) (Chapter 1)
- Continuous-time Markov chain (Chapter 4)
- Martingales (discrete-time) (Chapter 5)
- Key examples:
- Random walks
- Birth and death processes
- Branching processes
- Markov chain Monte Carlo
Chapter numbers refer to R. Durrett, Essentials of Stochastic Processes
The UniDel research program gives students the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member for a period of six weeks over their first summer. For more details, contact the Program Director Ivan Todorov (todorov@udel.edu).