Graduate Program Activities

GEMS and the first summer research experience

​First year students are encouraged to participate in a summer research experience. This is a non-binding commitment with a faculty advisor to participate in a 6- or 10-week long research program.

The Unidel summer fellowship involves the student and their adviser in a 6-week research plan. The competitive GEMS (Groups Exploring the Mathematical Sciences) brings together a first year graduate student, an undergraduate student, and a faculty adviser in a 10-week research project.

The GEMS-Unidel summer programs include a weekly pizza seminar and culminate in the Summer Research Symposium, where the project results are presented.

Winter Research Symposium (WRS)

​The WRS typically takes place on Friday of the first week of the spring semester. It is an afternoon of presentations by senior graduate students, be it in the form of a short talk (for a general audience) or a poster. A graduate program alumnus is in charge of the keynote address and a long break with food and drinks doubles as the lively poster session.

The WRS includes the announcement of the winner of the Wenbo Li Scholarship​ for Gr​​aduate Research. At the end of the WRS, two posters are selected for the WRS Poster Award, which includes a juicy travel allowance for the winners and the glory of having their winning poster exposed in Ewing Hall’s lobby for an entire year.