Summer Modeling Program for High Schoolers

Summer Math Modeling Program for rising juniors and seniors


June 24-28, 2024

8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. daily

The University of Delaware Summer Math Modeling Program is a free, nonresidential, five-day program for rising juniors and seniors in high school interested in math modeling. Participating students will get the opportunity to work with UD graduate students and attend guest lectures by UD professors. By working in teams to solve problems using mathematical modeling, participants will learn how it can be applied to solve real-world problems. Participants will earn a stipend of $600 upon completion of the program.​

What to Expect

  • Participants will work collaboratively in groups to solve problems using math modeling. The instructor and graduate teaching assistants work directly with students to provide guidance and review of mathematical concepts.

  • Participants will also get opportunities to attend presentations by professors within the mathematics department.​

Program Details

  • The program will be held in-person at the Newark campus of the University of Delaware.

  • Students are expected to attend in-person each day. Active participation is required.

  • Participants will earn a stipend of $600 upon completion of the program.​

Application Requirements

  • Participants must be enrolled in a Delaware high school. Prerequisites are Algebra I and Geometry.

  • Students will need to provide their own transportation to and from campus each day.

  • Late applications will be accepted if space allows. Participation is limited to 20 local Delaware high school students.​


How to apply

  • ​An application form will be coming soon.​


The UD Summer Math Modeling Program is supported by Unidel Foundation, Inc.​