Summer Programs

Summer Programs


​Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling Camp (GSMMC)

​​​The GSMM Camp is a weeklong workshop directed towards interdisciplinary problem solving whose aim is graduate student education and career development. The GSMM Camp is designed to promote a broad range of problem-solving skills, including mathematical modeling and analysis, scientific computation, and critical assessment of solutions. ​

The dates this year are June 20-23, 2024.

Learn more about the GSMMC here​


Summer Math Modeling Program for rising juniors and seniors

​The University of Delaware Summer Math Modeling Program is a free, nonresidential, five-day program for rising juniors and seniors in high school interested in math modeling. Participating students will get the opportunity to work with UD graduate students and attend guest lectures by UD professors. By working in teams to solve problems using mathematical modeling, participants will learn how it can be applied to solve real-world problems.​

The dates this year are June 24-28, 2024​.

Learn more about this Summer Math Modeling Program