Seminars and Colloquia
The Department of Mathematical Sciences hosts a regular series of seminars and colloquia in the mathematical sciences and in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
- Analysis
- Applied Mathematics
- Departmental Colloquia
- Discrete Mathematics
- Hallenbeck Graduate Student Seminar
- Mathematics Education Seminar
- Mathematics of Quantum Science
- Numerical Analysis and PDE
- Probability and Stochastic Processes
- Teaching Seminar
Seminars will be held online or in-person on Wednesdays from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. In-person talks will be held at EWG 336.
Want to suggest a speaker? Send an email to Mahya Ghandehari.
In Spring 2025, the seminar will meet weekly in a hybrid form: online (via Zoom) for most of the external speakers, or in-person in Room 336 Ewing Hall on Mondays 4-5 pm(unless specified otherwise).
If you do not have the UD NetID, please contact (M. Yvonne Ou) for details of Zoom connection.
The seminar schedule can be found at https://sites.udel.edu/psp-mqs-groups/applied-mathematics/
Departmental colloquia are held on Fridays 4:10 - 5pm. Please consult the weekly schedule for more details about talks and speakers.
Contact Prof. Constantin Bacuta and/or Prof. Petr Plechac for more details.
During the fall 2024 semester, the seminars will take place usually on Fridays between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in Ewing 336 and will be also broadcast via Zoom.
People interested in the Zoom information, should contact Novi Bong or Sebastian Cioaba.
The Hallenbeck Graduate Student Seminar series features introductory level talks by and for the graduate students of the department. We host talks related to our research, internships and summer schools, and hold panels on various topics including prelims and candidacy. Talks last between 30 to 50 minutes. The intended audience is the graduate students, and questions and discussion are encouraged. The series is named in honor of Professor David Hallenbeck. Refreshments are provided courtesy of the Department of Mathematical Sciences and the David Hallenbeck Memorial Fund.
Meetings for Spring 2025:
Weekly on Thursdays Feb 20-May 15 in Ewing 336
Feb 20-Mar 13 meeting time is 12:30-1:30 in Ewing 336
Mar 20-May 15 meeting time is 11:45-12:45 in Ewing 336
Organizer: John Byrne and Yuan-Chieh Chen
The Mathematics Education Seminar provides a forum for our faculty in Secondary Mathematics Education to host visitors to discuss research around the teaching and learning of mathematics. The intended audience is mathematics education faculty and graduate students from the Department of Mathematical Sciences and the School of Education. Many topics will also be of interest to mathematicians and mathematics graduate students.
Quantum science encompasses a number of interconnected interdisciplinary research areas underpinned by quantum mechanics, and its mathematical foundations utilize disciplines as diverse as probability theory, optimization, operator theory, computational complexity and graph theory. Research in the department includes both the pure mathematical and the computational aspects of quantum computing, in particular, the development of mathematical methods for zero-error quantum information theory, non-local games in quantum information, contextuality and non-locality, analytical and numerical methods for studying open quantum systems, numerical analysis of quantum physical phenomena, and the creation of computational/numerical methods for simulations on quantum computers of high-dimensional problems.
During the Spring 2025 semester, the seminars will take place on Wednesday 10:30 - 11:30 AM in Ewing 336. If you would like to attend the seminar virtually, please use the Zoom link https://udel.zoom.us/j/93187642092. If you would like to subscribe to the mailling list, please use the link https://groups.google.com/a/udel.edu/g/math-na-pde/?pli=1 and click join group.
If you are interested in suggesting a speaker, please contact organizer Ke Chen (kechen@udel.edu) or William Sands (wsands@udel.edu).
Upcoming Events
Date | Name | Affiliated University |
Feb 12 | Chaopeng Shen | Pennsylvania State University |
Feb 19 | Ruhui Jin | UW-Madison |
Feb 26 | Hamad EI Kahza | University of Delaware |
Mar 19 | Li Wang | University of Minnesota |
Apr 9 | Lu Lu | Yale University |
Apr 16 | Yixiang Deng | University of Delaware |
Apr 23 | Juan Jose Mendoza Arenas | University of Pittsburgh |
Apr 30 | Daniel Szyld | Temple University |
May 7 | Han Zhou | University of Pennsylvania |
The seminar will meet weekly in a hybrid form: online (via Zoom) for most of the external speakers, or in-person on Fridays 11-12 in 205 Ewing Hall.
If you do not have the UD NetID, please contact the organizers (Petr Plechac and Mokshay Madiman) for details of Zoom connection.
The "Teaching Seminar" offers a forum for our faculty, and faculty from visiting institutions to discuss issues related to teaching and learning of college mathematics. It provides a place for best practices to be shared, current issues to be discussed, and a place for faculty to gather input on innovative teaching experiments. Graduate students interested in an academic career are especially encouraged to attend.
For the UDCapture recordings of the previous seminars, see the Math Teaching Seminar Channel.
A login with the UD credentials is required to access the first 19 media recordings of the academic years 20-21 and 21-22.
For more information, contact Jungeun Park and Audrey Dietz.