Study Abroad Programs

100 Years and Going Strong​!

In 1923, UD made history when French Professor Raymond Kirkbride of the Modern Languages department, now Languages, Literatures and Cultures, took eight students to study in France for their junior year. It was the first time American students traveled abroad for a university-sponsored program.

Today the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures offers the most study abroad programs of any department at UD, and travels to diverse countries across the globe. Students can choose from semester-long programs in the fall and spring, and shorter programs during winter and summer sessions.

While many semester programs include language immersion, most winter and summer session programs are perfect for students at any language level.

Delaware Teachers' Study Abroad Program

The Delaware Teacher's Program is a unique opportunity for public school teachers to participate in a two-week intensive immersion program abroad, and to earn three graduate credits. Through a grant from the Delaware Department of Education and support form the University of Delaware, teachers can participate for little to no cost aside from airfare.

There are currently two program opportunities: Cáceres Spain​​ and Martinique​.

Learn more about this program