Tyson Sukava

Tyson Sukava

Assistant Professor of Classics

Office: 112 Jastak-Burgess Hall

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Tyson Sukava is an Assistant Professor of Classics.  His general research interests cluster around the intellectual history of ancient Greece and Rome, with a primary focus on Greek medicine and science.  His current projects examine the channels for exchanging ideas between so-called expert groups and the general public and how these ideas were variously received and integrated.  His research therefore extends to other genres, including especially Greek drama and lyric poetry.

In the 2018/2019 academic year, Professor Sukava is teaching courses on the Latin and Greek languages, a literature and culture in translation course on classical mythology, Gods, Heroes, and Monsters (Fall), and a study abroad course, Victors and Spoils: Competition in Ancient Greece, based in Athens (Winter).


  • PhD University of British Columbia
  • MA University of Manitoba
  • BA University of Manitoba