Riccarda Saggese

Riccarda Saggese

Professor of Italian

Office: 303 Jastak-Burgess Hall

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​Riccarda Saggese is a Professor of Italian whose areas of interest are Italian language pedagogy, Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Italian Literature, childhood and literature in the 19th and 20th century, women writers in the second half of the 20th century, and Medieval History. Dr. Saggese’s passion, Medieval Studies, has inspired the publication of the book “Momenti medievali” (2010). Her interest for the Italian language and FL pedagogy and methodology has led to variety of textbooks. She also has been invited to organize and coordinate Italian Cultural and Linguistic workshops for the Delaware Department of Education. She teaches all levels of Italian language, culture, and literature courses.



  • Ph.D. Italian Literature, Johns Hopkins University
  • Diploma in Archival Science, Palaeography and Diplomacy, Archives of State of Milano, Italy
  • Laurea in Philosophy, University of Naples, Italy