Meghan McInnis-Dominguez
Meghan McInnis-Dominguez
Office: 110 Jastak-Burgess Hall
Resources and Links
Dr. Meghan McInnis-Domínguez pioneers innovative approaches to integrating artificial intelligence in humanities education. As creator and host of the AI for the Humanities YouTube channel, she leads a groundbreaking initiative exploring the intersection of Generative AI and humanities education. Her channel and accompanying internship program address the rapidly evolving landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs) and their impact on academic practices, particularly in literature and language studies. Dr. McInnis-Domínguez's recent work has gained national recognition, featured in UDaily and the Chronicle of Higher Education. Her recent publication, "An AI Solution: Using ChatGPT to Counter Plagiarism and Boost Enrollments in Hispanic Literature Courses," exemplifies her commitment to advancing pedagogical innovation.
- Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies - University of Pennsylvania, 2006
Dissertation: Diagnosing Empire: Refiguring Disease in the Early Modern Hispanic World - M.A. in Hispanic Studies - University of Pennsylvania, 2001
- B.A. in Spanish Studies and Three Languages - University of Delaware, summa cum laude, 1999
Areas of Teaching Expertise and Research Interest
Dr. McInnis-Domínguez's teaching and research interests encompass early modern Spanish literature, Spanish colonial historiographic texts, colonial Latin American epic and novel, transatlantic studies, empire studies, and the literary adaptation of historiographic genres. She also focuses on the use of technology and artificial intelligence in the Hispanic studies classroom. Her expertise spans from beginning to advanced Spanish language courses, Spanish composition, grammar, conversation, and Spanish culture.
Grants and Awards
- University of Delaware Library’s Open and Affordable Teaching Materials Grant, 2023
- University of Delaware CAS Go Grant to support AI for the Humanities YouTube Channel, internship, and research
Selected Publications
- “Enhancing Hispanic Literature Courses with Large Language Models: The Power of AI Tools.” Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, 8, 1, 2024 37-41.
- “An AI Solution: Using ChatGPT to Counter Plagiarism and Boost Enrollments in Hispanic Literature Courses.” Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, 7, 2, 2023, 127-182.
- “The Diseasing Healer: Francisco Delicado’s Infectious La Lozana andaluza.” e-Humanista: Journal of Iberian Studies, 17, 2011, 311-333.
- “Violencia del/al género en la Relación acerca de los antigüedades de los indios de Fray Ramón Pané.” Espéculo: Revista de estudios literarios 40 (nov. 2008-feb. 2009).