Marcaline Boyd

Marcaline Boyd

Assistant Professor of Classics

Office: 118 Jastak-Burgess Hall


  • Ph.D. in Classics from Florida State University
  • M.A. in Classics from Florida State University
  • Post-Baccalaureate Program in Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania
  • B.A. in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, and French from Franklin and Marshall College


Marcaline J. Boyd's main teaching and research interests are the social and cultural history of ancient Greece and Rome. Dr. Boyd is currently working on a book on tyranny that examines the relationship between the ideology and practice of one-man rule in ancient Greece. Her research combines the study of literature, history, and material culture, with a special emphasis on epigraphy. She has published articles on Greek tyranny, as well as Hellenistic epigram and Latin elegy. Dr. Boyd teaches language courses in Greek and Latin at all levels as well as literature and civilization courses in translation. She frequently teaches in the Honors Program and at present serves as advisor to undergraduate majors and minors in Ancient Greek and Roman Studies and faculty advisor to the Delta Tau chapter of the National Honorary Society for Classical Studies, Eta Sigma Phi.