Edgard Sankara

Edgard Sankara

Associate Professor of French

Office: 223 Jastak-Burgess Hall

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Edgard Sankara received his Licence (B.A) and Maîtrise from the University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), his M.A. from the University of Oregon and his Phd in French/Francophone studies from the University of Texas-Austin. Dr. Sankara’s book Postcolonial Francophone Autobiographies: From Africa to the Antilles was published by the University of Virginia Press (2011). Dr. Sankara has published articles in Nouvelles Etudes FrancophonesThe Canadian Review of Comparative Literaturethe Canadian Journal of African Studies, and Itinéraires, littérature, textes, cultures. Dr. Sankara teaches courses in Francophone African and Caribbean literatures. His recent courses include: “Négritude-Antillanité-Créolité,” “Francophone African cinema,” “Francophone Women Writers” and a graduate seminar on “Literature of immigration.”

He is currently at work on a book-length project on life narratives in Burkina Faso and their connections with history, politics, and readers’response.



  • Phd, University of Texas-Austin
  • M.A., University of Oregon
  • BA, Maîtrise, University of Ouagadougou