Graduate Student Resources

Graduate Student Resources


Graduate Student Handbook

The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the University of Delaware provides a graduate program for students interested in pursuing advanced studies in language, literature, and culture. To assist graduate students in navigating the program, the department has created a Graduate Student Handbook.​

View the Graduate Student Handbook

Teaching Portfolio Preparation

You will prepare your Teaching Portfolio using a googledocs ePortfolio template, a method used by other teacher education programs at many institutions of higher learning. You will be introduced to the ePortfolio during a special orientation session in your first LLCU Methods course, where the ePortfolio is first introduced.

Projects and assignments in your FLE language and methods courses comprise the majority of your ePortfolio entries. The methods professor or clinical supervisor will assess your performance on the element(s) attached to his/her course and certify that you have met the established criteria for each element.

Learn about the Foreign Language Education Portfolio

The Foreign Language Education ePortfolio

As you prepare your projects/assignments, you should store them for use with your ePortfolio. Once they have been approved by your professor, they may be transferred to the ePortfolio.

Note: You may also wish to construct a paper portfolio with printouts of your ePortfolio elements. Candidates have found that occasionally prospective employers do not have the means to access an electronic portfolio. While this problem is less and less common, producing a three-ring binder of all--or selected--elements of your teaching portfolio is a good back-up plan.

A summary of the procedure for adding course-based requirements to your ePortfolio:

  1. Preparation

    ePortfolio elements are prepared by candidates during their FLE methods and language courses. Projects are submitted by candidates to their methods professors using the ePortfolio "share" feature.

  2. Assessment

    A course instructor/clinical supervisor will assess performance on each required element embedded in his/her course, using rubrics distributed in class and/or communicated through the ePortfolio.

  3. Approval

    Instructor/supervisor will inform the candidate that criteria for a required element have (or have not) been met by returning the completed rubric to the candidate.

  4. Submission

    Candidate adds each approved element to appropriate section of his/her ePortfolio.


The Graduate College has a set of forms to help students track their degree progress. Links to the most current forms and information can be found on the Graduate College resource page.

The examinations in French are based on coursework and on reading lists available online. The examinations in Spanish are based on graduate coursework.