About Us
Welcome from the chair
Welcome to the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures where We Speak Your Language!
DLLC is widely revered as the University of Delaware's central hub for teaching and research of cultures in and through their native languages. DLLC is at the heart of UD's internationalization efforts, and the department is dedicated to developing culturally informed global leaders. We want you to become part of our community! If you are interested in studying a language or culture, participating in our transformative study abroad programs, undertaking international internships and community-based learning projects or collaborating with faculty on research and teaching opportunities, we invite you to become part of DLLC.
We are connecting the world!
DLLC offers programs at the undergraduate and graduate level and boasts some of the world's most highly qualified global teachers and scholars. In addition to instruction in 14 languages, the department offers coursework in global and area studies, language education, languages for specific purposes (including healthcare, engineering, fashion and finance, among others) and comparative literature. Our exciting groundbreaking program in game studies and esports attracts students from across the nation. Beyond these stimulating programs, we engage and support our community by organizing or sponsoring a wide array of cultural programs, from film series to public lectures to visiting scholars.
The department is also one of the largest sponsors of study abroad programs and international exchange opportunities, and more UD students study abroad with us than any other unit on campus. Our faculty-led and exchange programs offer exceptional opportunities for students to gain meaningful global experience while setting out to become bilingual and bicultural. In fact, did you know that the world's very first study abroad program was established by our department? 2023 marks 100 years since a faculty-led program was established in Paris, and we will be celebrating this amazing moment all year long during our Centennial Celebration. Be on the lookout for events, speakers and opportunities that demonstrate DLLC's global impact at UD!
We invite you to learn more about our programs and our mission. If you are anywhere near Jastak-Burgess Hall, stop in! We welcome the opportunity to meet you and talk about the exciting opportunities in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures! After all, We Speak Your Language!
Chad M. Gasta
Professor of Spanish and Department Chair

Mission Statement
The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures builds language competency and cultural knowledge and understanding, preparing students to become global citizens. It offers a broad range of languages and courses of study—from antiquity to present-day and from around the world—and prepares students for a range of careers. DLLC hosts numerous study abroad programs, led by its own faculty. Through research and publication, the Department advances scholarship in the discipline, furthering the critical understanding of world culture in its complexity and diversity.
- Teach the understanding and appreciation of all cultures, ancient and modern, providing basic knowledge about the literature, culture, and intellectual achievements of the communities involved.
- Expand, through research and publication, current scholarship in the fields of international literatures, cultural studies, second language pedagogy, second language acquisition, and other related fields.
- Teach the methods of understanding and interpreting texts, i.e., the methods of critical thinking that are essential to the education of good citizens.
- Play a leading role in internationalizing the University curriculum, enabling students to develop a global perspective.
- Ensure that graduates of the University have sufficient knowledge of and skills in an ancient or modern foreign language to build fluency in that language.
- Prepare our majors for careers in education, government, international trade, or related fields, or for graduate study leading to advanced degrees.
- Provide opportunities for studying languages and cultures abroad.
- Enhance the education of non-majors by providing them with language skills that complement their chosen major.
- Provide opportunities for continuing language and literature study at the graduate level for students as well as for language teachers and other professionals.
- Work with the School of Education to prepare second language teachers for the schools of Delaware and nearby states, and collaborate with the Delaware Department of Education to facilitate articulation between secondary and post-secondary second language education in the State.
- Act as a liaison between the University and the various language communities in the State.
The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Delaware unequivocally condemns racism, discrimination and oppression in any form. We stand in solidarity with protestors across the globe in affirming—in every language—that Black Lives Matter. As educators and scholars, we commit to taking concrete steps toward eliminating systemic racism and creating an equitable, supportive and welcoming community for all students, faculty members and staff.
We know that words alone are not enough to create change. More information about the concrete steps the DLLC is taking can be found below:
Steps the DLLC Is Taking
As the foundation for all we do, DLLC commits to creating an inclusive, respectful and supportive environment for all faculty, students and staff members. Racism, discrimination or bullying in any form will not be tolerated.
- DLLC commits to diversifying and decolonizing our curriculum; to implementing anti-racist pedagogy; and to making anti-racist texts and supplementary resources available.
- We commit to creating opportunities for and financially supporting anti-racist teaching workshops and events for faculty in ways that do not place additional burden on faculty of color.
- We commit to ensuring that DLLC events are welcoming to and inclusive of students from historically marginalized groups and to diversifying our program through actively seeking minority speakers.
- We commit to developing concrete strategies to recruit, retain and support diverse undergraduate and graduate students and faculty at all ranks and ensuring adequate representation within the department on all committees. We affirm our commitment to continued outreach with the Delaware K-12 system.
- We commit to seeking out and establishing scholarship and funding opportunities for minority students for study abroad and other opportunities.
- We commit to establishing a special departmental committee on Anti-racism, Equity, and Diversity, to help hold us, as a department, accountable for enacting these steps and to assist us by engaging in dialogue, providing guidance, and serving as an ally and resource for students and faculty of color.
- DLLC commits to participating on the steering committee of the UD Anti-Racism Initiative.
Mission Statement
The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures builds language competency and cultural knowledge and understanding, preparing students to become global citizens. It offers a broad range of languages and courses of study—from antiquity to present-day and from around the world—and prepares students for a range of careers. DLLC hosts numerous study abroad programs, led by its own faculty. Through research and publication, the Department advances scholarship in the discipline, furthering the critical understanding of world culture in its complexity and diversity.
- Teach the understanding and appreciation of all cultures, ancient and modern, providing basic knowledge about the literature, culture, and intellectual achievements of the communities involved.
- Expand, through research and publication, current scholarship in the fields of international literatures, cultural studies, second language pedagogy, second language acquisition, and other related fields.
- Teach the methods of understanding and interpreting texts, i.e., the methods of critical thinking that are essential to the education of good citizens.
- Play a leading role in internationalizing the University curriculum, enabling students to develop a global perspective.
- Ensure that graduates of the University have sufficient knowledge of and skills in an ancient or modern foreign language to build fluency in that language.
- Prepare our majors for careers in education, government, international trade, or related fields, or for graduate study leading to advanced degrees.
- Provide opportunities for studying languages and cultures abroad.
- Enhance the education of non-majors by providing them with language skills that complement their chosen major.
- Provide opportunities for continuing language and literature study at the graduate level for students as well as for language teachers and other professionals.
- Work with the School of Education to prepare second language teachers for the schools of Delaware and nearby states, and collaborate with the Delaware Department of Education to facilitate articulation between secondary and post-secondary second language education in the State.
- Act as a liaison between the University and the various language communities in the State.
The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Delaware unequivocally condemns racism, discrimination and oppression in any form. We stand in solidarity with protestors across the globe in affirming—in every language—that Black Lives Matter. As educators and scholars, we commit to taking concrete steps toward eliminating systemic racism and creating an equitable, supportive and welcoming community for all students, faculty members and staff.
We know that words alone are not enough to create change. More information about the concrete steps the DLLC is taking can be found below:
Steps the DLLC Is Taking
As the foundation for all we do, DLLC commits to creating an inclusive, respectful and supportive environment for all faculty, students and staff members. Racism, discrimination or bullying in any form will not be tolerated.
- DLLC commits to diversifying and decolonizing our curriculum; to implementing anti-racist pedagogy; and to making anti-racist texts and supplementary resources available.
- We commit to creating opportunities for and financially supporting anti-racist teaching workshops and events for faculty in ways that do not place additional burden on faculty of color.
- We commit to ensuring that DLLC events are welcoming to and inclusive of students from historically marginalized groups and to diversifying our program through actively seeking minority speakers.
- We commit to developing concrete strategies to recruit, retain and support diverse undergraduate and graduate students and faculty at all ranks and ensuring adequate representation within the department on all committees. We affirm our commitment to continued outreach with the Delaware K-12 system.
- We commit to seeking out and establishing scholarship and funding opportunities for minority students for study abroad and other opportunities.
- We commit to establishing a special departmental committee on Anti-racism, Equity, and Diversity, to help hold us, as a department, accountable for enacting these steps and to assist us by engaging in dialogue, providing guidance, and serving as an ally and resource for students and faculty of color.
- DLLC commits to participating on the steering committee of the UD Anti-Racism Initiative.
The College’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity, equity and inclusion are significant parts of the University of Delaware's College of Arts and Sciences's values and goals. The college's commitment to these values is not just evident in its student body but also its faculty, staff, and curriculum, ensuring a fully inclusive experience. Through this steadfast dedication to diversity and inclusivity, the college continues to enrich its educational offering, allowing each student to benefit from a wide array of viewpoints and experiences.