Scholarships and Awards

Undergraduate Award and Scholarship Opportunities
Essay submissions for the “Old Home”, Alumni Undergraduate, and Thomas J. Craven Essay Prizes should be formatted as follows: double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-pt font, paginated in standard citation with a cover page containing UD ID number and UD email address only — no names should be listed. There are no page length requirements, but most submissions are at least eight pages in length. Questions regarding any of the awards or scholarships should be emailed to history@udel.edu.
Awards requiring submissions
William Purnell "Old Home" Essay Prize
Awarded for the best undergraduate essay submitted to the History Department on the history of Delaware or the Eastern Shore (Delmarva). Essays should include a cover page containing student ID number and UD email address only.
- Award amount: Up to $400
- Deadline: March 14, 2025 — Essay submissions for this prize should be uploaded here.
Alumni Undergraduate Essay Prize
Awarded for the best essay(s) on a non-US history topic. Up to two (2) essays may be chosen. Total award amount determined by the number of essays selected. Essays should include a cover page containing student ID number and UD email address only.
- Award Amount: Up to $500
- Deadline: March 14, 2025 — Essay submissions for this prize should be uploaded here.
Thomas J. Craven Essay Prize
Awarded for the best essay(s) on any topic in Delaware history, or on the political or constitutional history of the United States since 1789. Multiple winning essays may be chosen. Total award amount determined by the number of essays selected. Essays should include a cover page containing student ID number and UD email address only.
- Award Amount: Up to $3,500
- Deadline: March 14, 2025 — Essay submissions for this prize should be uploaded here.
Joseph Donald Craven Essay Prize
The Joseph Donald Craven Prize is awarded each year for the best essay submitted on what changes should be made to the Constitution of the United States and/or the economic system of the United States to further the interest of democracy and make the government more responsive to the will of the people. Essays do not need to be long; 1,000 to 2,000 words are suggested. All Political Science, International Relations, and History majors are encouraged to submit entries. This prize was established in 1985 by The Honorable Joseph D. Craven, former Attorney General of the State of Delaware.
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Deadline: April 4, 2025 — Submit your essay to AWARD-SUBMISSIONS@udel.edu with “Craven Essay” listed in the subject line.
William E. Meakin Memorial Award
Awarded to a junior or senior history major who meets the scholarship criteria of academic performance and a distinguished record of community service. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required to apply. Up to four (4) winners may be chosen. Total award amount determined by the number of winners selected.
- Award Amount: Up to $4,500
- Deadline: March 14, 2025 — To apply, complete the 2025 William E. Meakin Memorial Award Application.
Awards based on academic performance
Recipients of these awards are chosen by the Department of History’s Honors Committee, based solely on academic performance.
Alumni Undergraduate Awards in History
Awarded to undergraduate history majors for excellence in academics. Three (3) winners from each of the defined levels will receive this monetary award. Award Amount: TBD.
- Senior — Projected to graduate in spring or summer 2025.
- Junior — Completing third year at UD but not graduating in spring or summer 2025.
- Sophomore — Completing second year at UD with at least one (1) FULL year on the Newark campus.
Eve Holst Clift Award
Awarded to a graduating history major for outstanding academic performance. In choosing between candidates of roughly equal qualifications, preference is given to students specializing in fields other than American History. Award Amount: TBD to a single winner.
William H. Williams Scholarship in American History, 1607–1865
Awarded to undergraduate history majors demonstrating outstanding scholarship in the field of American History from 1607 to 1865. Multiple winners may be chosen. Total award determined by the number of winners selected. Award is distributed as a scholarship unless presented to a graduating senior, in which case the award will be given as a monetary prize. Award Amount: TBD.
Scholarships based on academic performance and financial need
Recipients of these awards are chosen by the Department of History’s Honors Committee according to the guidelines dictated by the Office of Student Financial Services, with notifications sent in late June.
Arts & Humanities Scholarships
Recipients must meet the scholarship criteria of academic performance and financial need as determined by department faculty and the Office of Student Financial Services. Preference given to Delaware residents. Award Amounts: TBD.
Berwyn Fragner Memorial Scholarships
Awarded to undergraduate history majors meeting the scholarship criteria of academic performance and financial need as determined by department faculty and the Office of Student Financial Services. Award Amounts: TBD.