Yuanchong Wang
Resources and Links
Yuanchong Wang specializes in late imperial and modern Chinese and East Asian history. He joined the Department of History at the University of Delaware in fall 2014 after he received his Ph.D. from Cornell University. He received his M.A. from Peking University in 2006 and B.A. from Shandong University in 2002. Wang’s current research project examines the frontier policy and state building of late imperial and modern China. He has been serving as editor-in-chief of The Chinese Historical Review since July 2024.
HIST137 - East Asian Civilization: China
HIST230 - The United States and China
HIST362 - Canton, London, and Boston: The Opium Wars and the World
HIST364 - Eurasian China and the World
HIST368 - Modern China since 1600
HIST369 - China since 1949
HIST400 - Capstone Seminar: US-China Relations
Remaking the Chinese Empire: Manchu-Korean Relations, 1616–1911. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018.
- A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title for 2019.
- The paperback was published by Cornell University in 2023.
- The Korean version, Chosŏnǔn Ch’ongjeguk e muŏsiŏssna 1616-1911: Hanjung guan’gye wa Chosŏn model 조선은 청제국에 무엇이었나 1616-1911: 한중관계와 조선모델 (translated by Seongwuk Son), was published by Nermer Books in Seoul in 2024.
Zhong Mei Xiangyu: Daguo waijiao yu Wanqing xingshuai, 1784–1911 中美相遇:大国外交与晚清兴衰, 1784-1911 (“The Meeting of China and the United States: Power Diplomacy and the Rise and Fall of Late Qing, 1784–1911”) (Shanghai: Wenhui chubanshe, 2021).
- A cowinner of 2021 Horizon Prize for Historical Writing in China.
- A 2022 Recommended Book in Humanities and Social Sciences for of the Seventeenth Wenjin Book Prize of National Library of China.
- The Korean version, Chungguk kwa Miguk: Muyŏk kwa oegyo chŏnjaeng ǔi yǒksa 중국과 미국, 무역과 외교 전쟁의 역사 (translated by Hwa-sung Lee), was published by Hangseong-B in Seoul in 2022.
Selected Articles & Chapters
“Ruguan qian Qing zhengquan duichao jiaoshe jiqi zhengtong guannian de xingsu” 入关前清政权对朝交涉及其正统观念的形塑 (The Qing regime’s contacts with Chosŏn Korea and its construction of orthodox legitimacy before the Manchus crossed the Great Wall). Zhongguo lishi yanjiuyuan jikan 中国历史研究院集刊 (Proceedings of Chinese Academy of History) 4 (Feb. 2022): 107–196.
“Revisiting the Forgotten Border Gate: Fenghuang Gate and the Emergence of the Modern Sino-Korean Borderline, 1636–1876.” Chapter 8 in Decoding the Sino-North Korean Borderlands, eds. Adam Cathcart, Christopher Green, and Steven Denney. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021, 169–190. DOI: 10.5117/9789462987562_ch08
“Shuguo mingfen bian: 1876 nian Zhong Ri jiaoshe Chaoxian diwei wenti zai yanjiu” 属国名分辩: 1875年中日交涉朝鲜地位问题再研究 (A reexamination of Sino-Japanese negotiation on Korea’s status as China’s subordinate country in 1876). Wenxue 问学 (Journal of Simian Institute for Advanced Studies) 2 (2020): 53–108.
“Provincializing Korea: The Construction of the Chinese Empire in the Borderland and the Rise of the Modern Chinese State.” T’oung Pao 105.1–2 (2019): 128–182. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685322-10512P04
“Qingdai Shixianshu yu Zhongguo xiandai tongyi duo minzu guojia de xingcheng” 清代时宪书与中国现代统一多民族国家的形成 (The imperial calendar of the Qing Dynasty and the rise of united multi-ethnic modern Chinese state). Zhongguo shehui kexue 中国社会科学 (Social Sciences in China) (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing), no. 269 (May 2018): 185–203.
“Civilizing the Great Qing: Manchu-Korean Relations and the Reconstruction of the Chinese Empire, 1644–1761.” Late Imperial China 38. 1 (2017): 113–154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/late.2017.0002
“Liyi, tizhi yu zhuquan: 1890 nian Qingchao fu Chaoxian ciji shixing yanjiu” 礼仪,体制与主权: 1890年清朝赴朝鲜赐祭使行研究 (Rituals, system, and sovereignty: A study of the Qing Dynasty’s last imperial mission to Chosŏn Korea in 1890). Zhongguo bianjiang xue 中国边疆学 (Borderland Studies of China) 8 (2017): 97–131.
“Claiming Centrality in the Chinese World: Manchu-Chosŏn Relations and the Making of the Qing’s ‘Zhongguo’ Identity, 1616–1643.” The Chinese Historical Review 22. 2 (2015): 95–119. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1179/1547402X15Z.00000000048
Selected Book Reviews
Lawrence Zhang. Power for a Price: The Purchase of Official Appointments in Qing China (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2022). American Historical Review 129.3 (2024): 1243–44. https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhae224.
Eric Schluessel, Land of Strangers: The Civilizing Project in Qing Central Asia (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020). American Historical Review 127.1 (2022): 481–82. https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhac075.
“Wutu, wuguo, yu wumin” 吾土,吾国与吾民 (Our land, our nation, and our people: A review on Nianshen Song’s Making Borders in Modern East Asia: The Tumen River Demarcation, 1881–1919. Cambridge University Press, 2018). Shanghai Shuping 上海书评(Shanghai Book Reviews) 2022/03/05.
Odd Arne Westad, Empire and Righteous Nation: 600 Years of China-Korea Relations (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021). Journal of Chinese History 6. 1 (January 2021). 186–89. DOI: 10.1017/jch.2021.9
“Zhanzai guankou de ShengQing Zhongguo: Ping Han Qi Tongtian zhi xue: Yesuhuishi he tianwenxue zai Zhongguo de chuanbo” 站在关口的盛清中国: 评韩琦《通天之学:耶稣会士和天文学在中国的传播》(High Qing at a crossroads: A book review on Han Qi’s Tongtian zhi xue: Yesuhuishi he tianwenxue zai Zhongguo de chuanbo). Shanghai Shuping 上海书评 2021/04/17:
“The Qing Challenge in Chosŏn Korea” (A review of Sun Weiguo’s Cong “zun Ming” dao “feng Qing”: Chaoxian wangchao dui Qing yishi de shanbian, 1627–1910 [From “honoring the Ming” to “submitting to the Qing”: The transformation of Chosŏn Korea’s attitude toward Qing China, 1627–1910]). Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 33 (December 2019): 253–260.
“Roundtable Review: Ji-Young Lee’s China’s Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination.” H-Diplo | International Security Studies Forum 10. 8 (February 2018): 13–19. https://issforum.org/roundtables/10-8-china