Barry Joyce
Barry Joyce is the Co-Coordinator of the History/Social Studies Secondary Education program at the University of Delaware. He received his Ph.D. in American History from the University of California, Riverside, in 1995 and has directed the Social Studies Secondary Education Program since his arrival at UD in 2000. The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) has continuously ranked the UD program as one of the strongest in the nation. As part of his work, Joyce regularly visits and observes in K-12 schools throughout the region during both fall and spring semesters.
Prof. Joyce is currently organizing the Delaware Council for History Education (DCHE), a new organization for Delaware teachers that is dedicated to creating a more inclusive curriculum and environment in Delaware schools. Joyce is also the project director for two three-year federal Library of Congress grants that provide professional development workshops for Delaware K-12 teachers—Indigenous and Latinx Delaware and Myths, Misconceptions and Omissions in the American Narrative.
Prof. Joyce’s latest book is The First U.S. History Textbooks: Constructing and Disseminating the American Tale in the Nineteenth Century (Rowman and Littlefield). He is currently working on a project that investigates the history of shared sacred space in the American Southwest. He teaches courses on the American West and Native American History in addition to offering various Social Studies Education, American History and World History courses.