Our People
Meet Our Faculty and Staff
The Department of History at the University of Delaware is home to a distinguished group of scholars and educators dedicated to advancing historical knowledge and fostering academic excellence.
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Owen White
Interim Chair
H. Fletcher Brown Chair of Humanities and ProfessorEmail: owhite@udel.edu
Zara Anishanslin
Associate Professor of History and Art History
Director, American Civilization ProgramEmail: zma@udel.edu
Geoff Bil
Assistant Professor
Email: gbil@udel.edu
James Brophy
Francis H. Squire Professor of History
Email: jbrophy@udel.edu
Eve Buckley
Associate Professsor
Director, Undergraduate StudiesEmail: ebuckley@udel.edu
Rebecca Davis
Miller Family Early Career Professor of History
ProfessorEmail: rldavis@udel.edu
Darryl Flaherty
Associate Professor
Email: flaherty@udel.edu
Laura Helton
Associate Professor, English and History
Email: lehelton@udel.edu
Christine Heyrman
Robert W. and Shirley P. Grimble Professor of American History
Email: cheyrman@udel.edu
Cheryl Hicks
Associate Professor, Africana Studies & History
Email: cdhicks@udel.edu
Barry Joyce
Coordinator, Social Studies Education ProgramEmail: bjoyce@udel.edu
Bonnie Lewis
Assistant Professor
Social Studies Education ProgramEmail: bpl@udel.edu
Rudi Matthee
John and Dorothy Munroe Distinguished Professor of History
Email: matthee@udel.edu
Mark McLeod
Associate Professor
Email: mwm@udel.edu
Arwen Mohun
Henry Clay Reed Professor of History
Email: mohun@udel.edu
John Montaño
Email: jpmon@udel.edu
Dael A. Norwood
Associate Professor
Email: dnorwood@udel.edu
Alison Parker
Richards Professor of American History
Founder, UD Anti-Racism Initiative (UDARI)Phone: (302) 831-2371
Email: aparker@udel.edu
Ramnarayan Rawat
Associate Professor
Email: rawat@udel.edu
Sonia Robles
Associate Professor
Email: srobles@udel.edu
Jonathan Russ
Associate Professor
Advisor, Phi Alpha Theta
Advisor, Honors ProgramEmail: jruss@udel.edu
David Suisman
Associate Professor
Email: dsuisman@udel.edu
Jennifer Van Horn
Professor of Art History and History
Email: jvanhorn@udel.edu
Jaipreet Virdi
Associate Professor
Email: jvirdi@udel.edu
Yuanchong Wang
Associate Professor
Email: ychwang@udel.edu
Polly Zavadivker
Associate Professor of History and Jewish Studies
Director, Jewish Studies Program
Email: pollyz@udel.edu
Name | Affiliation | |
Bendler, Bruce | Adjunct Professor | bruceb@udel.edu |
Cahill, Amanda | Adjunct Professor | acahill@udel.edu |
Chamlee, Catarina | Adjunct Instructor | cjanotti@udel.edu |
Colbourn, Colin | Adjunct Professor | colinc@udel.edu |
Davies, John | Adjunct Professor | jddavies@udel.edu |
Frassetto, Michael | Adjunct Professor | frassett@udel.edu |
Haidinger, Brendan | Adjunct Professor | bwhaidin@udel.edu |
Impellizeri, Kevin | Adjunct Professor | kimpell@udel.edu |
Jensen, Jennifer | Adjunct Professor | jennjens@udel.edu |
Johanningsmeier, Edward | Adjunct Professor | ejohann@udel.edu |
Lanctot, Neil | Adjunct Professor | nlanctot@udel.edu |
Maestri, Melissa | Adjunct Professor | maestri@udel.edu |
Pount, Dotno | Adjunct Professor | dpount@udel.edu |
Storm, Rachael | Adjunct Professor | rachaelb@udel.edu |
Suchanec, Olivia | Adjunct Instructor | livs@udel.edu |
Name | Affiliation | Title | |
Horowitz, Roger | Affiliated | Adjunct Professor | rh@udel.edu |
Tandy, Sean | Affiliated | Assistant Professor, Associate in Arts Program | smtandy@udel.edu |
Trembanis, Sarah | Affiliated | Professor, Associate in Arts Program | sltrem@udel.edu |
Name | Title | |
Alchon, Guy | Associate Professor Emeritus of History | galchon@udel.edu |
Allmendinger, David | Professor Emeritus | |
Basalla, George | Professor Emeritus of History | basalla@udel.edu |
Bernstein, John | Professor Emeritus of History | johnbern@udel.edu |
Boylan, Anne | Professor Emerita of History | aboylan@udel.edu |
Callahan, Raymond | Professor Emeritus of History | rac@udel.edu |
Cruz, Jesús | Professor Emeritus of History | jesus@udel.edu |
Duggan, Lawrence G.J. | Professor Emeritus of History | lgjd@udel.edu |
Garrison, J. Ritchie | Professor Emeritus of History | jrg@udel.edu |
Grier, Katherine | Professor Emerita of History | kcgrier@udel.edu |
Johnson, Howard | Professor Emeritus of History | howardj@udel.edu |
Matson, Cathy | Richards Professor Emerita of American History | cmatson@udel.edu |
May, Gary | Professor Emeritus of History | garymay@udel.edu |
Pong, David | Professor Emeritus of History | dpong@udel.edu |
Sidebotham, Steven E. | Professor Emeritus of History | ses@udel.edu |
Shearer, David | Keith Professor Emeritus of History | dshearer@udel.edu |
Strasser, Susan | Richards Professor Emerita of American History | strasser@udel.edu |
Name | Title | |
Tobias, Doug | Business Administrator II | dtobias@udel.edu |
Clark, Diane | Academic Program Coordinator | dianec@udel.edu |
Dolbow, Amy | Academic Program Coordinator | adolbow@udel.edu |
Name | Affiliation | |
Ahern, Pamela | Ph.D. Program, European History | pahern@udel.edu |
Allain, Caroline | M.A. Program, American History | callain@udel.edu |
Allenbrand, Karlyn | Ph.D. Program, History of Capitalism, Technology, and Culture | karlyna@udel.edu |
Anderson, Katrina | Ph.D. Program, American History | landers@udel.edu |
Avery, Kayle | Ph.D. Program, History of Capitalism, Technology, and Culture | kravery@udel.edu |
Bose, Rounak | Ph.D. Program, Global and South Asian History | rbose@udel.edu |
Brookins, Taylor | Ph.D. Program, American History | tbrooki@udel.edu |
Buckley, Mia | M.A. Program, American History | mialbuck@udel.edu |
Cade, Alexandra | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | acade@udel.edu |
Christiansen, Abigail | M.A. Program, European History | abchrist@udel.edu |
Cowan, Ethan | Ph.D. Program, History of Capitalism, Technology, and Culture | ecowan@udel.edu |
Farrare, Laini | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | lainikia@udel.edu |
Fedoryk, Peter | Ph.D. Program, History of Capitalism, Technology, and Culture | pfedoryk@udel.edu |
Fesak, Mary | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | |
Freeth, Corinne | Ph.D. Program, Hagley Scholar | cefreeth@udel.edu |
Grantham, Hannah | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | grantham@udel.edu |
Harden, Mikayla | Ph.D. Program, American History | mikaylah@udel.edu |
Hertel, Samantha | M.A. Program, History of Capitalism, Technology, and Culture | srhertel@udel.edu |
Hill, Stephanie | Ph.D. Program, American History | shill@udel.edu |
Hughes, Margaret | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | mwhughes@udel.edu |
Hulings, James Joseph | M.A. Program, European History | jimhul@udel.edu |
Karasahan, Yakup | Ph.D. Program, History of Technology & Industrialization | yakupk@udel.edu |
Kuhns, Jamie | Ph.D. Program, American History | jlferg@udel.edu |
McDonald, James D. | Ph.D. Program, American History | jdmcd@udel.edu |
Mehl Gralak, Mariana | M.A. Program, American History | marimehl@udel.edu |
Minardi, Lisa | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | lminardi@udel.edu |
Monk, Matthew | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | mmonk@udel.edu |
Moore, Brayden | M.A. Program, American History | bkmoore@udel.edu |
Muhammed, Yusuf Olaide | M.A. Program, History of Capitalism, Technology, and Culture | moyusuf@udel.edu |
Parkes, Alan | Ph.D. Program, American History | aparkes@udel.edu |
Remy, MacLaren | M.A. Program, American History | mmremy@udel.edu |
Rosado, Keon | Ph.D. Program, American History | keonr@udel.edu |
Semento, Kristen | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | semento@udel.edu |
Smith, TK | Ph.D Program, History of American Civilization | tksmith@udel.edu |
Spencer, Andrea | Ph.D. Program, American History | aspence@udel.edu |
Tomak, Benjamin | Ph.D. Program, World & Comparative History | btomak@udel.edu |
Tomczek, Brian | Ph.D. Program, American History | btomczek@udel.edu |
Townrow, Stephanie | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | stownrow@udel.edu |
VanHemert, Kyle | Ph.D. Program, History of Technology & Industrialization | krvh@udel.edu |
Von Koenig, Gretchen | Ph.D. Program, History of Technology and Industrialization | gvk@udel.edu |
Wenger, Paulie | Ph.D. Program, History of American Civilization | pwenger@udel.edu |