Students in a classroom setting for a class about the introduction to the history, operations and future of museums, historic sites, archives and related cultural organizations.

Uncover the Past,
Shape the Future

Explore History at UD

Welcome to the History Department

Explore the rich tapestry of human civilization at the University of Delaware's Department of History. Our distinguished faculty and cutting-edge curriculum will immerse you in the pivotal events, transformative ideas and captivating stories that have shaped our world across the centuries. Whether your passion lies in ancient empires, modern revolutions or the intricate threads connecting our global societies, the Department of History provides a vibrant intellectual community. Here, you will gain invaluable analytical skills, multicultural perspectives and a nuanced understanding of the past to better navigate the complexities of our present and future. Join us on an extraordinary journey through time and place as we uncover the narratives that define our shared human experience.

Wh​y History?


  • Unexpected Doors: Whether you have a specific career goal, or whether you wish to gain skills in writing, research and analytical thinking that will provide a strong foundation for careers in many fields, you will find that studying in the Department of History will open unexpected doors. 
  • Community Engagement: The University of Delaware's history department actively engages with the community through various programs and partnerships, enhancing students' educational experiences and contributing to local and regional historical preservation and education efforts.
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    For the Record, Friday, Sept. 20, 2024

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  • Tea, coffee and opium in Iran

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  • UD alum names Delaware History Teacher of the Year

    September 13, 2024 | Written by Red Clay School District
    The Gilder Lehrman Institute has named Anthony Swierzbinski of The John Dickinson School as the 2024 Delaware History Teacher of the Year.

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​Study with award-winning scholars​​​​​​


The University of Delaware’s Francis Alison Society selected Jaipreet Virdi, assistant professor of history, as one of two recipients of the 2020 Gerard J. Mangone Young Scholar Award. The award recognizes promising and accomplished young faculty. Virdi was honored in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences category. 


Virdi is a historian of medicine, technology and disability. Her research and teaching interests include the history of medicine, the history of science, disability history, disability technologies and material/visual culture studies. 


Read the UDaily article​



Headshot photo of Jaipreet Virdi
Jaipreet Virdi