Hye-Shin Kim

Hye-Shin Kim



Hye-Shin Kim is currently a Professor of Fashion and Apparel Studies at the University of Delaware. She received her Ph.D. from Iowa State University in Textiles and Clothing with a minor in Statistics.

Expert in textile and apparel industry applied research. Specialization include brand perceptions, consumer involvement and interests, sustainability, and online consumption behavior.

Published in journals including the Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, Behavior and Information Technology, and Journal of Brand Management.

Honors and recognitions include John Wingate Research Award, Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, and Lectra Award.



Ph.D., Iowa State University, USA
M.S., Oklahoma State University, USA
B.S., Chung Ang University, South Korea


Courses Regularly Taught

FASH218 Introduction to Fashion Business

FASH430 Fashion Brand Marketing Management

FASH694 Apparel Consumers and Soci​​​al Responsibility​

FASH822 Global Fashion Consumer

Representative Publications

​​Kim, H. –S. & Yanan, Y. (2023). The effects of product return effort and recreational shopper identity on future purchase intentions. Journal of Global Fashion Mark​​​eting (In press)http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/20932685.2023.2176338

Paintsil, A. & Kim, H. –S. (2021, September). Sharing Personal Experiences and Online Consumer Engagement. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 13(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/20932685.2021.1947150

Kim, H. –S., & Yu, Y.  (2021). Are return policies viewed the same way? U.S. and Chinese consumer perceptions of return policy and perceived risk. Journal of Textile and App​​arel Technology Management (JTATM), Special Issues: Emerging Issues in Management and Marketing for Textiles and Apparel.

Yu, Y. & Kim, H. –S. (2019, August). Online retailer’s return policy and prefactual thinking: A cross-cultural study of U.S. and Chinese e-commerce markets. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/JFMM-01-2019-0010


Hong, H., Kim, H.-​S., & Lennon, S. (2019). The ​effects of perceived quality and usefulness of consumer reviews on review reading and purchase intention. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction, 31, 71-89.

Yoh, E. & Kim, H.-S. (2018). Sustainability education in textile and apparel programs in higher education: A web-based content analysis. The Research Journal of the Costume Culture, 26(2), 203-216. 

Hong, H. & Kim, H.-S. (2016). The impact of review characteristics on female consumer perceptions of review usefulness and patronage intent of the on​line store hosting the reviews.  Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 40(6), 994-1009.

Kim, H. –S., Shin, E., Cheng, A., Lennon, S., & Liu, W. –S. (2015). Influence of design, workmanship, and familiarity on consumer perceptions of country-of-origin apparel brands: a study of U.S., China, and Japan. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 6(4), 265-277.

Kim, H. -S. & Hall, M. L. (2015). Green brand strategies in the fashion industry: leveraging connections of the consumer, brand, and environmental sustainability. In T. -M. Choi (Ed.), Springer Handbook of Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management: From Sourcing to Retail​ing (pp. 31-45). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.

Kim, H. -S. & Ma, M. (2014). Influence of parent brand attitude and self-brand congruity on consumer response to green brand extensions. Journal of G​lobal Fashion Marketing, 5(2), 165-181.

Kim, H. -S. & Hall, M. L. (2014). Fashion brand personality and advertisement response: Incorporating a symbolic interaction perspective. In T. -M. Choi (Ed.), Springer Handbook of Fashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors: Scientific Models (pp. 29-45). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.

Kim, H. –S. & Hong, ​​H. (2011). The hedonic shopping motivations of female fashion leaders. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 29(4), 314-330. Listed as top 50 most read article on February 2015 (ranked 28).

Kim, H.-S. Jin, B., & Park, J. Y. (2011). Motivation​s of market mavens participating in online communities. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 4(1), 62-79.

Jin, B., Park, J. Y., & Kim, H.-S. (2010). What makes online community members commit? A social exchange perspective. Behavior and Information Technology, 29(6), 587-599.

Kim, H. –S. & Yoh, E. (2009, J​une). Fashion leadership, market mavenism, and store evaluative criteria. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 33(6), 904-915.

Kim, H. –S., LaFleur, R., & Schaeffer, K. (2008). Enhancing realism in learning through a multi-course collaborative project and technology. J​ournal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 100(3), 34-41. 

Kim, H. –S., Park, J. –Y., & Jin, B. (2008). Dimensions of online community attributes: examination of online communities hosted by companies. Int​ernational Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 36(10), 812-830.

Guthrie, M. F., Kim, H. –S., & Jung, J. (2008). The effects of facial image and cosmetic usage on perceptions of brand personality. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12(2), 164-181. 

Guthrie, M. & Kim, H. –S. (2007). The relationship between consumer involvement and brand perceptions of female cosmetic consumers. Journal of Brand Manageme​nt, 17, 114-133.

Kim, H. –S. (2006, Spring/Summer). Using hedonic and utilitarian shopping motivations to profile inner city consumers. Journal of International Shopping Center Research, 13(1), 57-79.

Kim, H. –S. & Jin, B. (2006) Exploratory study of virtual communities of apparel retailers. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 9(5), 41-55.

Kim, H. -S. (2005). Cons​umer profiles of apparel product involvement and values. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 9(2),207-220. Nominated for Best Research Paper Award

Kim, H. –S., & Shim, S. (2003). Gender-based approach to the understanding of leadership roles among retail managers. Human Res​ource Development Quarterly, 14(3), 321-342.

Kim, H. -S., Damhorst, M. L., & Lee, K. -H. (2002). Apparel involvement and advertisement processing. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 6(3), 277-302.

Kim, H. -S. (2000). Emotional response to apparel brand ads. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 4(4), 303-313.

Kim, H. -S., Hong, B. -S., & Jo, E. Y. (2000, June). Emotional response to apparel advertisements and consumer values: A cross-cultural study. The Journal of Asian Reg​​ional Association for Home Economics, 7(2), 79-88. Reprinted in the Journal of Shopping Center Research, 7(2), 81-100.

Kim, H. -S. (2000). Brand personality and brand attitude within the apparel product category. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 4(3), 243-252.

Kim, H. -S., & Damhorst, M. L. (1999). Examination of environment​al attitude and ad message credibility. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 3(1), 18-30.

Kim, H. -S., & Damhorst, M. L. (1998). Environ​​mental attitude and apparel consumption. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 16(3), 126-133.

Gaskill, L. R., Van Auken, H. E., & Kim, H. -S. (1994). Assessing the impact of operational planning on small business retail performance. Journal of​ Small Business Strategy, 5(1), 21-35.​​
