Adriana Gorea
Resources and Links
PhD, Apparel, Merchandising and Design, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
M.B.A. Marketing, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
M.S. Fashion Design, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
B.S. Mathematics, minor Computer Science, AI.I. Cuza University, Romania
Courses Regularly Taught
Knitwear and Stretch Fabric Design
Wearable Product Design
Fundamentals of Textiles II
Honors and Awards
2021- UD Research Foundation Strategic Initiative Grant (UDRF-SI) (PI), University of Delaware
2021- CAS Arts and Humanities Faculty Fellow Award, University of Delaware
2019 - HensWEAR Pilot Project Grant (PI), University of Delaware
2019- HensWEAR Equipment Grant (PI), University of Delaware
2018- Visual and Performing Arts Creative Research Award (PI), Syracuse University
2017- Visual and Performing Arts Creative Research Award (PI), Syracuse University
Research Interests
Knitting technologies
3D Body scanning
Textile science
Functional wearable design
Interdisciplinary research
Research and Creative Scholarship (selected work):
1. Gorea, A., Cao, H. & Megivern, S. (2024). Towards Optimization of Sports Bra Strap Design: The Role of Stitch Pattern and Stitch Length (SL) on the Properties of Seamless Knitted Fabrics. The Journal of the Textile Institute.
2. Gorea, A. & Roelse, K. (2023). Bargello Slopes. In International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 80(1), Iowa State University Digital Press. Category: Professional. Recipient of ITAA 2023 Creative and Innovative Employment of Technique Award.
3. Keegan, M., Mckenna, C. & Gorea, A. (2023). Functional Trousers for People with Endometriosis: A User-Centered Approach. In International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 80(1), Iowa State University Digital Press. Category: Professional.
4. Robison, N. & Gorea, A. (2023). Over Underworld. In International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 80(1), Iowa State University Digital Press. Category: Professional.
5. Gorea, A., Dorie, A., & Hall, M. (2022). Comparative study of adaptable breast support using engineered compression variability in seamless sports bras. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel. Volume ‘ahead-of-print’.
6. Gorea, A., Baytar, F., & Sanders, E. A. (2021). Challenges and design opportunities in prototyping seamless knitted apparel: a case study. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 14 (2), 127-138.
7. Gorea, A., & Baytar, F. (2020). Using 3D body scanning to measure compression variations in a seamless knitted sports bra. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 13, 1-9.
8. Gorea, A., Baytar, F., & Sanders, E. (2020). Experimental design and evaluation of a moisture responsive sports bra. Fashion and Textiles, 7(1), 1-21.
9. Gorea, A., Baytar, F., Sanders, E. (2020). Effect of stitch patterns on moisture responsiveness of seamless knitted wool fabrics for compression activewear. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 33 (2), 175-187.
10. Gorea, A., Roelse, K., & Hall, M. (2019). The Book of Pockets: A Practical Guide for Fashion Designers, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, UK.
11. Gorea, A., & Baytar, F. (2016). Towards Developing a Method for Identifying Static Compression Levels of Seamless Sports Bras Using 3D Body Scanning. In Proceedings to 7th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland.
12. Gorea, A., Cao, H. & Megivern, S. (2023). Optimizing Sports Bra Strap Design: The Role of Stitch Pattern and Stitch Length (SL) on the Properties of Seamless Knitted Fabrics. In
Proceedings to International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, 80(1), Iowa State University Digital Press.
13. Ugra, H., Monteverdi, C., Polino, R., Bishop, J., Buckley, J. & 10. Gorea, A. (2023). Comparison of two pressure sensors used for evaluating performance of compression apparel. In Proceedings to International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, 80(1), Iowa State University Digital Press.
14. Yatvitskyi, M., Gorea, A. (2021). Technology Discovery to Improve the Design Process for Seamless Knitted Sports Bras. In Proceedings to International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, 78(1), Iowa State University Digital Press.
15. Ren, J., Li, B., Cunha, A., Palmer, D., Cao, H., Gorea, A., & Lobo, M. (2021). Assessing the Needs of Children with Sialorrhea in Relation to Clothing Protectors. In Proceedings to International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, 78(1), Iowa State University Digital Press.
Mentored Student Designs Presented in Juried Exhibitions
1. Yatvitskiy, M., Roelse, K., Cobb, K., Cao, H. & Gorea, A. (2022). Pandemonium. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 79(1). Category: Undergraduate. Recipient of ATEXINC Award for Excellence in Marketable Textile Design.
2. Bello, F., Ventura, R., & Gorea. A. (2020). Spire to Wear. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 77(1). Category: Undergraduate.
3. Cappelletti, L. & Gorea, A. (2018). My Girl Friday. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 75(1). Category: Undergraduate. Recipient of ATEXINC Award for Excellence in Marketable Textile Design.
4. Cappelletti, L. &Gorea, A. (2018). Word Wore II. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 75(1). Category: Undergraduate. Recipient of Best Use of Technology Award.
5. Elston, H. (2018). Skeptic. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 75(1). Category: Undergraduate.