Current Student Resources
Academic Advising for the English Department is located in Memorial Hall. We offer in-person and virtual appointments. Academic advisors are available to answer students' questions about choosing classes, registration, long-term planning, internships, graduate school, career possibilities and other campus policies and resources. It is recommended that you schedule an appointment with your academic advisor prior to registration for each semester to plan your coursework.
English majors and minors also have access to a variety of English faculty mentors. All advising-related questions should be directed to english@udel.edu.
English Education Majors
English Education majors will be assigned a departmental academic advisor. Your advisor's name and contact information can be found on your personal UDSIS account. It is recommended that you schedule an appointment with your academic advisor prior to registration for each semester to plan your coursework.
Being an English major means you are gaining the skills to go into a wide variety of career paths.
As an English major, you can succeed in various careers because the skills you gain are invaluable and transferrable to various contexts. These skills include effective written and oral communication, understanding different perspectives, imaginative vision, critical and creative thinking, research skills and experience.
Internships allow students to gain experience in different careers and workplaces and form professional connections that will help them succeed after graduation. In fact, many companies and organizations seek out UD English majors for internships because they know how diverse their talents and strengths are.
I learned how to write for specific audiences, from formal writing to business writing, to writing for the public.
My internship has made me feel much more comfortable about joining the workforce after graduation.
Internships for Credit
English majors have many marketable skills, which can lead to many career paths. Internships are designed to help students think about career options and acquire experience that will help them as they begin their careers while earning course credit.
Here is an English department internship option:
English 464
English 464 allows students to receive credit for gaining practical, professional, hands-on work experience related to their English degree. Previous internships have included work in hospitals, publishing houses, and on-campus opportunities. The English department internship coordinator and the on-site internship supervisor supervise ENGL464. ENGL464 counts towards University Capstone and Discovery Learning Experience credit. To be eligible, you must
- be of junior or senior standing,
- have your internship approved by department internship coordinator before beginning it,
- complete your internship during either the fall, spring, or summer semester, and
- earn 3 credit hours for the internship.
For more information
Please contact Professor Jessica Edwards from the English Department or CAS Internship Coordinator Lois Stoehr to discuss these options.
Opportunities for English and English Education Majors
(Suggestions for a traditional 4-year period)
Scholarship and Award Opportunities:
Study Abroad: Apply by Sept. 20 to be a Delaware Diplomat in order to earn up to $1500 in scholarship money for a UD Study Abroad Program. UD’s Institute for Global Studies also considers all students accepted for Study Abroad for its need-based financial awards. These awards cover 50-75% of the cost of a program. In addition, if you are receiving a Pell grant, you may apply for a Gilman Scholarship at the time of your application to Study Abroad. Gilman scholarships award up to $5000.
Submit your work to the Common Reader Essay Contest. Winners of the contest will receive a monetary reward.
ARAK Award: By Jan. 10, submit an essay you wrote in E110 to the ARAK Awards Committee. Winning essays will be published online in the John and Frieda ARAK Journal, and the authors will receive a monetary award.
Get Involved:
English Education majors: Join “Secondary Educators of Tomorrow” to connect with secondary education majors across the College of Arts and Sciences; consider volunteering at West End Neighborhood House or another organization
Get Writing:
Start writing for the public by: submitting to the literary magazine, Caesura or joining the independent student newspaper, The Review.
Get Researching:
Apply to the University of Delaware Research Apprenticeship Work-Study program to start working with faculty on research projects while earning money through Work-Study
Make an appointment with UD’s Office of Undergraduate Research to find out about academic and financial opportunities available to you this year and in the years to come
Get Professional:
Journalism minors, after completing one course in Journalism, you can apply for an internship through the MDDC Press Association.
Apply to First Year Seminar (FYS) Peer Mentor program to be a Peer Mentor in a UNIV101 class in your sophomore year (Honors students may apply for Honors FYS’s). As a peer mentor, you will guide incoming students, teach classes, assist discussions, and earn $900 +$100 for every year you continue as a mentor. Min. GPA of 2.8 required, and you must be active in several UD groups.
Get Theatrical:
Try out for a play, or join tech, with one of UD’s undergraduate theater groups, E52 or HTAC
Scholarship Opportunities:
Sigma Tau Delta: If you have an English/English Education GPA of 3.75 or higher, apply for the “Blue and Gold Award,” which pays the national dues for your membership in the English Honors Society.
Apply by March 1 to the Summer Scholars Program, which awards $4000 of summer funding for creative or research work
Apply to the Summer Fellows Program, which awards $300-$1500 to undergraduates who want to continue a spring project, either creative or research-based, into the summer or extend a summer project into the fall. Applications open mid April.
Apply to MDDC Press Association Scholarship for Journalism Students: If you have a 3.0 or higher and are minoring in Journalism, you can apply in your third term for this award of $1000. Preference is given to Delaware residents who can demonstrate financial need.
Visit the Center for Global Programs & Services for advice on applying for a Fulbright scholarship during your junior year.
Get Researching:
Apply to the University of Delaware Research Apprenticeship Work-Study program to start working with faculty on research projects while earning money through Work-Study.
Get Tutoring:
If you have a 3.7 or above GPA and are in your first or second year, you will be invited to apply to take ENG 392 and subsequently become a writing tutor in the UD Writing Center. English majors with a GPA between 3.2 and 3.7 are also eligible to apply if they have a recommendation from a faculty member.
Get Writing:
Aug. 1: Write a short play and submit it to E52’s annual Short Attention Span Theater project. Winners will see their plays performed in the fall.
Submit to the literary magazine Caesura
Join the independent student newspaper, The Review
Apply by March 1 to the Summer Scholars Program, which awards $4000 of summer funding for creative or research work
Apply by April 1 to the Summer Fellows Program, which awards $300-$1500 to undergraduates who want to continue a spring project, either creative or research-based, into the summer or extend a summer project into the fall.
Get Involved:
Sigma Tau Delta: Attend a meeting of the English Honors Society to open up opportunities for academic, professional, and financial support. Apply to become a member once you have met the criteria. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (cumulative) and 3.5 (English) required.
Apply to the College of Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Council in the spring of your sophomore year to represent the perspectives and needs of students in the Humanities.
First Year Seminar (FYS) Peer Mentor program: Apply to be a Peer Mentor in a UNIV101 (Honors students may apply for Honors FYS’s). As a peer mentor, you will guide incoming students, teach classes, assist discussions, and earn $900 +$100 for every year you continue as a mentor. Min. GPA of 2.8 required, and you must be active in several UD groups.
Get Professional:
4+1 Programs: Make an appointment with your English advisor to learn about 4+1 programs for English majors These programs allow you to graduate with a BA and an advanced professional degree in five years, saving you money and letting you start your professional life quickly.
4+1 Teaching English as A Second Language
4+1 Master in Public Administration
4+1 Masters in Public Policy and Urban Affairs
Join Handshake: Handshake is the UD Career Services Center’s job and internship database. If you are interested in doing an internship as your capstone, start by creating a Handshake account to be ready for an internship in your junior and/or senior year.
Get Theatrical: try out for a play, or join tech, with one of UD’s undergraduate theater groups, E52 or HTAC
Scholarship Opportunities:
Sigma Tau Delta: If you have an English/English Education GPA of 3.75 or higher, apply for the “Blue and Gold Award,” which pays the national dues for your membership in the English Honors Society.
Apply by March 1 to the Summer Scholars Program, which awards $4000 of summer funding for creative or research work.
Apply to the Summer Fellows Program, which awards $300-$1500 to undergraduates who want to continue a spring project, either creative or research-based, into the summer or extend a summer project into the fall. Applications open mid April.
Apply by April 1 of your junior year for a Fulbright scholarship. The Fulbright program allows you to either teach in a non-English speaking country, or to conduct research outside of the US. Fulbrights pay for round-trip transportation to your destination, a stipend for a single academic year, health and accident insurance; and language or orientation courses where appropriate. They also give you priority for government jobs after you complete your work.
The Gladys and Harry David Zutz Award: The Department of Political Science offers an annual $1000 award to one rising senior female and one rising senior male student who has shown a commitment to community engagement and service. They welcome applicants from all majors. Check the website for the deadline, but it’s usually in early April.
Get Researching:
Senior Thesis: The Senior thesis allows you to write and present the results of a major independent research or creative project. Students who complete this project graduate UD with distinction. Apply by May 15 of your junior year (or November 15 of your junior year if you plan to start your thesis in the spring).
Get Writing:
Aug. 1: Write a short play and submit it to E52’s annual Short Attention Span Theater project. Winners will see their plays performed in the fall.
Submit to the literary magazine Caesura
Join the independent student newspaper, The Review
Apply by March 1 to the Summer Scholars Program, which awards $4000 of summer funding for creative or research work
Apply by April 1 to the Summer Fellows Program, which awards $300-$1500 to undergraduates who want to continue a spring project, either creative or research-based, into the summer or extend a summer project into the fall.
Get Professional:
4+1 Programs: Apply by Nov. 1 for admission in one of the three 4+1 programs for English majors. These programs allow you to graduate with a BA and an advanced professional degree in five years, saving you money and letting you start your professional life quickly.
4+1 in Teaching English as A Second Language
4+1 Master in Public Administration
4+1 in Masters in Public Policy and Urban Affairs
Contact the Internship Advisor: If you are interested in an internship, reach out to the internship coordinator and learn more about your options. Internships provide you with the opportunity to gain experience outside the classroom and give you the opportunity to learn more about writing in the workplace. Recent internships include The Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, UD’s IT Communication Group, and the International Literacy Association among many others. You can find internships through Handshake, but the department will email internship opportunities as well. You can receive capstone credit for your internship be enrolling in ENGL 464 or ENGL 469.
Get Involved:
Sigma Tau Delta: Apply to become a member of the English Honors Society. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (cumulative) and 3.5 (English) required.
Join the editorial team for Caesura
Apply to the College of Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Council to represent the perspectives and needs of students in the Humanities.
First Year Seminar (FYS) Peer Mentor program: Apply to be a Peer Mentor in a UNIV101 (Honors students may apply for Honors FYS’s). As a peer mentor, you will guide incoming students, teach classes, assist discussions, and earn $900 +$100 for every year you continue as a mentor. Min. GPA of 2.8 required, and you must be active in several UD groups.
Get Theatrical: try out for a play, or join tech, with one of UD’s undergraduate theater groups, E52 or HTAC
Scholarship and Award Possibilities:
Future Blue Hen Teacher: If you are an English Education major, during the fall of your senior year you may apply for this English Department need+merit based award, which offsets some of the final fees required for certification.
Get Writing:
Aug. 1: Write a short play and submit it to E52’s annual Short Attention Span Theater project. Winners will see their plays performed in the fall.
Submit to the literary magazine Caesura
Get Involved:
Sigma Tau Delta: Apply to become a member of the English Honors Society. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (cumulative) and 3.5 (English) required.
Join the editorial team for Caesura
Get Professional:
Contact the Internship Advisor: There is still time to do an internship if you are interested! Connect with the internship coordinator and learn more about your options. Internships provide you with the opportunity to gain experience outside the classroom and give you the opportunity to learn more about writing in the workplace. Recent internships include The Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, UD’s IT Communication Group, and the International Literacy Association among many others. You can find internships through Handshake, but the department will email internship opportunities as well. You can receive capstone credit for your internship be enrolling in ENGL 464 or ENGL 469.
Get Theatrical:
try out for a play, or join tech, with one of UD’s undergraduate theater groups, E52 or HTAC