Ju-A Hwang
Ju-A Hwang is an assistant professor of English at the University of Delaware. She received her Ph.D. in foreign, second, and multilingual language education from The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on second language reading-writing connections, especially multilingual writers’ composing process of multisource-based writing (synthesis writing) from cognitive perspectives. Her research interests stem from her pedagogical practices in supporting linguistically and culturally diverse students to become reader-writers with rhetorical flexibility/sensibility in academic settings and beyond.
She has taught multilingual undergraduate and graduate students nationally and internationally, especially writing in higher education contexts, such as an English as a second language composition program and English intensive English programs. She also consulted both domestic and international students as a university writing center consultant and administered the writing center as an assistant coordinator.
As a graduate consultant for a Writing Across the Curriculum program, she also supported faculty members and graduate teaching assistants by providing seminars/workshops focusing on how to utilize writing (e.g., writing-to-learn tasks) to enhance their pedagogical approaches as well as how to approach multilingual students in their classes. Her efforts in supporting her students to become competent and confident multilingual writers were acknowledged by winning The Ohio State University’s Graduate Associate Teaching Award.