Davy Knittle

Davy Knittle

Assistant Professor

Office: 045 Memorial Hall

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​Davy Knittle works at the intersection of queer and trans studies, urban studies, and the environmental humanities. His current book project, “Urbanist Desire and the Ecology of Queer and Trans Survival,” describes how queer and trans writers used the tools of city planning to resist predatory redevelopment in New York from 1950 to 2020. Davy came to UD in January 2023 from Princeton University, where he was HMEI/Princeton Mellon Fellow in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Environment. Davy's scholarship has been recently published or is forthcoming in PMLA, Feminist FormationsGLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay StudiesISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment and the edited collection In the Daylight of Our Existence: Architectural History and the Promise of Queer Theory.