Our People

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Welcome to the University of Delaware's Department of English Faculty Directory, your comprehensive guide to the educators and scholars who form the heart of our academic community.

Our faculty expand and redefine the humanities in areas including public, environmental and digital humanities; social identity; hip hop, disability, and queer and trans studies; material culture, print culture, new materialism and cultural theory, while maintaining expertise in the core study of literature, literary history and criticism, poetry, pedagogy and creative writing.

Here, you can explore the profiles of our dedicated faculty members, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the Department of English. Whether you're a student seeking guidance, a colleague looking to collaborate or a visitor interested in our department's expertise, this directory serves as your bridge to the individuals who drive the intellectual rigor and creative spirit of our English department.

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Name Title Email
Adams, Taylor Adjunct Faculty tradams@udel.edu
Arendt, Paul Adjunct Faculty parendt@udel.edu
Burke, Kevin Adjunct Faculty kburke@udel.edu
Chaney, Amelia Adjunct Faculty achaney@udel.edu
Creane, Jessica Adjunct Faculty
Curtiss, Caleb Adjunct Faculty curtisca@udel.edu
Del Rio, Juliet Adjunct Faculty julietd@udel.edu
Dill, Lisa Adjunct Faculty lgdill@udel.edu
Doss, Michael Adjunct Faculty mdoss@udel.edu
Freedman, Philip Adjunct Faculty pfreed@udel.edu
Freeman, Daniel Adjunct Faculty freedan@udel.edu
Green, Michael Adjunct Faculty mogreen@udel.edu
Harris-Peyton, Michael Adjunct Faculty mbhp@udel.edu
Hillson, Frank Adjunct Faculty fhillson@udel.edu
Jadick, Tim Adjunct Faculty tjadick@udel.edu
Kates, Amy Adjunct Faculty akwhite@udel.edu
Kennedy, Virginia Adjunct Faculty vkennedy@udel.edu
Kim, Hee Eun "Helena" Adjunct Faculty helenkim@udel.edu
Klima, Jen Adjunct Faculty jenklima@udel.edu
Luttrell, Carolyn Adjunct Faculty luttrell@udel.edu
Nash, Joseph Adjunct Faculty jbnash@udel.edu
O’Brien, Richard J.  Adjunct Faculty rjobrien@udel.edu
O'Neill, Darren Adjunct Faculty darmon@udel.edu
Paintsil, Ashley Adjunct Faculty paintsil@udel.edu
Peters, Ray Adjunct Faculty rpeters@udel.edu
Potsubay, David Adjunct Faculty dpotsu@udel.edu
Prettyman, Mike Adjunct Faculty prettym@udel.edu
Rezaie, Naghmeh Adjunct Faculty naghmehr@udel.edu
Richmond, Daniel Adjunct Faculty danrich@udel.edu
Rivers, Bill Adjunct Faculty brivers@udel.edu
Stull, Eric Adjunct Faculty estull@udel.edu
Sturgis, Scott Adjunct Faculty ssturgis@udel.edu
Therieau, Mitch Adjunct Faculty mtheriea@udel.edu
Name Title E-mail
Fedele, Vickie Associate Professor, Associate in Arts Program vfedele@udel.edu
Grogan, Christine Associate Professor, Associate in Arts Program cgrogan@udel.edu
Satran, David Associate Professor, Associate in Arts Program satran@udel.edu
Aronovitz, Michael Instructor, Associate in Arts Program marono@udel.edu
Beecher, Alicia Instructor, Associate in Arts Program abeecher@udel.edu
Joella, Ethan Instructor, Associate in Arts Program ejoella@udel.edu
Kuttruff, George Instructor, Associate in Arts Program kuttruff@udel.edu
Yates, Brandy Instructor, Associate in Arts Program byates@udel.edu
Colwell, Anne Professor, Associate in Arts Program colwell@udel.edu
Keegan, James Professor, Associate in Arts Program jkeegan@udel.edu
Teague, David Professor, Associate in Arts Program teague@udel.edu
Name Title Email
Alvarez, Deborah Retired and Emeritus dmalva@udel.edu
Andrews, Deborah Retired and Emeritus dandrews@udel.edu
Beasley, Jerry Retired and Emeritus jbeasley@udel.edu
Brown, Fleda Retired and Emeritus fleda@udel.edu
Crawford, Iain Retired and Emeritus
Davison, Richard Retired and Emeritus mdavison@udel.edu
DelFattore, Joan Retired and Emeritus jdel@udel.edu
Flynn, Phil Retired and Emeritus pflynn@udel.edu
Gates, Barbara Retired and Emeritus bgates@udel.edu
Halio, Jay Retired and Emeritus jlhalio@yahoo.com
Helmling, Steven Retired and Emeritus helmling@udel.edu
Henderson, Carol Retired and Emeritus carol.e.henderson@emory.edu
Kerrane, Kevin Retired and Emeritus kkerrane@udel.edu
Martin, Ronald Retired and Emeritus rmartin@udel.edu
Nickerson, Edward Retired and Emeritus enickers@udel.edu
Parker, Hershel Retired and Emeritus hparker@udel.edu
Pauly, Thomas Retired and Emeritus tpauly@udel.edu
Pifer, Ellen Retired and Emeritus epifer@udel.edu
Potter, Lois Retired and Emeritus lpotter@udel.edu
Richards, Mary Retired and Emeritus mpr@udel.edu
Ruark, Gibbons Retired and Emeritus gruark@udel.edu
Scott, Bonnie Kime Retired and Emeritus bkscott@mail.sdsu.edu
Stark, Cruce Retired and Emeritus cstark@udel.edu
Walker, Jeanne Retired and Emeritus jwalker@udel.edu
Yagoda, Ben Retired and Emeritus byagoda@udel.edu
Name Title Email
Schmidt, Laura Business Administrator II los@udel.edu
Brice, Pam Academic Program Coordinator pambrice@udel.edu
Rodriguez, Cheryl Lynn Academic Program Coordinator cherylr@udel.edu
Kang, Tanya Academic Program Coordinator, Graduate Program tkang@udel.edu
Name Title Email
Alshareefy, Rajwan PostDoc rajwan@udel.edu
Griffin, Danielle PostDoc griffind@udel.edu
Oz, Seda PostDoc sedaoz@udel.edu
Pastor, Aaren PostDoc amp@udel.edu
Shermeyer, Kelli PostDoc klsherm@udel.edu
Name Title Email
Al-Drous, Eman Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence Fellow emansa@udel.edu
Bisson, Aaron Graduate Assistant for Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library abisson@udel.edu
Bradshaw, Sarah Interdisciplinary Graduate Teaching Assistant, Philosophy sebrad@udel.edu
Brossa, Ryan ABD ebrossa@udel.edu
Burgher, Denise ABD dburgher@udel.edu
Cardarelli, Summer Interdisciplinary Frontier Graduate Fellow sscardar@udel.edu
Carver, Ellie Teaching Assistant ekcarver@udel.edu
Champney, Cat Teaching Assistant champney@udel.edu
Comardelle, Kallie Interdisciplinary Graduate Teaching Assistant, Women and Gender Studies kallie@udel.edu
DeJoseph, Remson Teaching Assistant remsondj@udel.edu
Flanagan, Holli Graduate Assistant for University of Delaware Press hollif@udel.edu
Gray, Emily Teaching Assistant emgray@udel.edu
Gregory, Sarah Teaching Assistant sgreg@udel.edu
Hallock, Emma Teaching Assistant ehallock@udel.edu
Henry, Britney African American Public Humanities Initative (AAPHI) Fellow bnchenry@udel.edu
Hollman, Raquel University Graduate Scholar rhollman@udel.edu
Jones, Juliana Teaching Assistant jtrue@udel.edu
Liebel, Caroline Teaching Assistant cjliebel@udel.edu
Maginity, Jessica Teaching Assistant jmaginit@udel.edu
Martinez Kennedy, Alexis University Graduate Scholar
Maxwell, Lynne Graduate Student lfmaxwel@udel.edu
McBrayer, Demetra Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence Fellow dmcbray@udel.edu
McShane, Michael Graduate Assistant in Mark Samuels Lasner Special Collections mcm@udel.edu
Moore, Gwendolyn Teaching Assistant mooreg@udel.edu
Newman, Kaari ABD kenewman@udel.edu
O'Rourke, Kenna Unidel Distinguished Graduate Scholar Award kennaor@udel.edu
Phillips, Rebekah ABD rphil@udel.edu
Ponce, Holly Teaching Assistant hollyp@udel.edu
Quinones, Erica Teaching Assistant eriquino@udel.edu
Repetto, William Graduate Assistant for NIIMBL wrepetto@udel.edu
Rivers, Ezra Unidel Distinguished Graduate Scholar Award erivers@udel.edu
Rodia, Sara Teaching Assistant rodias@udel.edu
Salomon, Caitlin Unidel Distinguished Graduate Scholar Award csalomon@udel.edu
Seekford, Brett ABD breseekf@udel.edu
Slowik, Noah Teaching Assistant nslowik@udel.edu
Steele, Hannah First Year Writing Assistant Director hsteele@udel.edu
Stone, J.D. ABD ojd@udel.edu
Strawderman, Violet Teaching Assistant vstrawde@udel.edu
Witek, Darbyshire Graduate Assistant in the office of Undergrad Admissions darbywit@udel.edu
Young, Shannon Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence Fellow slyoung@udel.edu