Undergraduate Research & Grants

Undergraduate Research & Grants

Every faculty research project in the Department represents an opportunity for undergraduates to become involved in serious scientific work with a leading expert in the field as early as their freshman year.  Each year, the Department describes faculty projects and the roles undergraduates might play in the research.  Some projects have funding to hire student assistants during the summer and the academic year.  Up to twelve full-time Summer Science Research Scholarships, administered by the University Honors Program,  plus an equal number of HHMI research grants are awarded to rising junior chemistry and biochemistry majors each year.  A third undergraduate research fellowship program, the Alumni Undergraduate Research Fellows, funded by David Plastino (UD BS/CHEM/78) has supported 6 Fellows each summer, beginning in 2007.  Nearby chemical and pharmaceutical companies, such as DuPont, Ashland, and AstraZeneca, also hire students for part-time and summer employment.  The Department also hosts frequent seminars and colloquia, open to undergraduates, where scholars from Delaware and other universities present their recent work.

"Although I am no longer actively engaged in chemical research, it is an experience that I strongly recommend to all of our majors.  At worst, it may show you that it is not a pursuit that you should follow throughout your career.  At best, it can be a life-changing experience, becoming an all-encompassing goal.  The entire range of responses is reflected in the careers of the 41 undergraduates whose research I have directed at the U of D, about half of whom saw their work reach fruition in the form of formal presentations and/or publications."

John L. Burmeister, professor emeritus


Research Based Education Project (RAIRE)

The University of Delaware has been recognized by the NSF for its leadership undergraduate research. The University of Delaware is one of only 10 institutions nationwide, selected from a pool of over 100 universities, to receive a three-year award recognizing "bold leadership," producing "meaningful results" in the integration of research and education.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Science Education Program (HHMI)

The University of Delaware has been awarded a four-year grant by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to support undergraduate biology education. The grant will help the University of Delaware “address the challenges of a rapidly changing and increasingly interdisciplinary science” bringing scientific disciplines such as genomics and computational biology into the undergraduate curriculum and supporting programs that encourage graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to hone their teaching skills.


Faculty Rese​arch in the Department

Many Chemistry and Biochemistry majors at the University of Delaware choose to expand their education by doing research. Most faculty in the department accept undergraduates in their laboratories. Many of our students have published papers or presented talks at scientific meetings on the results of their work. Up to eight full-time research scholarships are available for our majors during the summer preceding their junior year.

For information about the fields of research available, check the research page for the department.

​A senior thesis documents the design, conduction, analysis, and discussion of results generated from a major independent research project. It represents perhaps the highest level of academic achievement possible in an undergraduate program, and provides compelling evidence to others of your initiative, perseverance, and ability to make an original contribution to our body of knowledge. The successful completion and oral presentation and defense of a senior thesis is one of the requirements for earning the Degree with Distinction. The Undergraduate Research Program oversees a Senior Thesis Program, established to provide a sense of community among students working towards this degree. Enrollment in UNIV 401-402 during the senior year is part of this program, and completion of six credits of UNIV 401-402  is another requirement for the Degree with Distinction. A full discussion of the Senior Thesis Program and its requirements is available online.


These can range from formal summer programs other universities and government labs offer to industrial internships. (Under some circumstances, students may earn credit for research conducted off campus; see the guidelines link to the Internship-rules pdf file governing this policy for more details.)  Links to some representative programs are given below.

UD's Undergraduate Research Program offers two different paid summer research programs:

  • Summer Scholars

    • Full-time ten week program from June 6th – August 11th 

  • Summer Fellows

    • Shorter program that varies in length of time commitment and funding

    • May be combined with other summer activities (coursework and or employment

Both programs involve working on original creative or research projects with a faculty mentor.

The SELI program is designed for the advancement of students with disabilities who are interested in careers in chemistry, biochemistry, or aligned fields. 

Learn more information on the SELI website