Our People

Meet Our People

The Department of Art History at the University of Delaware boasts a distinguished faculty comprising leading scholars and experts in various fields of art history. Their expertise spans ancient to modern art, with particular strengths in American art and European art from the Renaissance through contemporary periods. The department's faculty members have been recognized with prestigious awards and fellowships from esteemed organizations like the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the Mellon Foundation. Additionally, the department benefits from the contributions of associated faculty, emeriti professors, and a dedicated staff supporting its academic and research endeavors.

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Name Joint Appointment Email
Anishanslin, Zara Associate Professor of History and Art History zma@udel.edu
McGee, Julie L. Associate Professor of Africana Studies and Art History; Director, Interdisciplinary Humanities Research Center mcgee@udel.edu
Reedy, Chandra Professor , Biden School Public Pol/Admin
Professor , Art History
B1085Interim Center Director , Ctr for Hist Arch & Design
Name Title Expertise Email
Athanassoglou-Kallmyer, Nina M. Professor Emerita Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century European Art nina@udel.edu
Chapman, H. Perry Professor Emerita Northern Baroque Art pchapman@udel.edu
Gibson, Ann E. Professor Emerita Modern and Contemporary Art agibson@udel.edu
Herman, Bernard L. Professor Emeritus American Material Culture bherman@udel.edu
Nees, Lawrence Professor Emeritus Medieval Art nees@udel.edu
Pellecchia, Linda Associate Professor Emerita Renaissance and Baroque Architecture lpell@udel.edu
Stillman, Damie Professor Emeritus English and American Architecture and Decorative Arts stillman@udel.edu
Stone, David M. Professor Emeritus, FAAR '98 Southern Baroque Art dmstone@udel.edu
Name Title Email
Marchesani, Polly Academic Support Coordinator II pmarches@udel.edu
Name Specialization Email
Allen, Rachel American and Native American Art allenr@udel.edu
Angelos, Meghan History of Photography mangelos@udel.edu
Autry, LaTanya S.    
Baker, Megan Atlantic World since 1600 mebaker@udel.edu
Beeber, Emily Eighteenth and nineteenth-century American art epeikin@udel.edu
Canter, Danielle 19th century European Art; Prints & Drawings dcanter@udel.edu
Capizzi, Tizianna Early Modern Iberian World; Textiles, Dress and Painting tcapizzi@udel.edu
Choi, Yoo Jin East Asia; Transcultural exchange of East and West yoojchoi@udel.edu
Clement, Gabrielle North American Art and Material Culture gclement@udel.edu
Feldcamp, Katherine Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Art of the Americas katfeld@udel.edu
Fisher, Dorothy Americanist dlfisher@udel.edu
Francisco, Emily Ann Americanist eafranci@udel.edu
Giguere, Natalie Early Modern negig@udel.edu
Hamer-Light, Julia American and Native American Art juliahl@udel.edu
Hartman, Michael North American Art mwh@udel.edu
Hauk, Carolyn North American Art
Havet, Isabelle    
Hein, Erin Early Modern Italy and France erinhein@udel.edu
Hillman, Jordan    
Huixin, Li (Lucy)   lucyli@udel.edu  
Humphrey, Elizabeth S. North American Art and Material Culture; Blackness and Identity Formation ehumphre@udel.edu
Johnson, Gabriella Early Modern Italy and Spain  
Kenyon, Victoria North American Art and Material Culture; Photography vkenyon@udel.edu
Kull, Sabena    
Lee, Craig Modern architecture and design  
Mackall, Leah Modern and Contemporary Art leahmack@udel.edu
Martien, Molly American art mmartien@udel.edu
Martinez, Deniz Animal Iconography deniz@udel.edu
Oseguera, Gabriel Modernity, Built and Constructed Environments oseguera@udel.edu
Oyawole, Foluke Mary Arts of Africa and Africa Diaspora folumary@udel.edu
Price, Thomas H. American art tprice@udel.edu
Riley, Qiaira Contemporary African American Art and Material culture qtriley@udel.edu
Simmons, Elizabeth Italian Renaissance and Baroque elsimmon@udel.edu
Stasiunas, Rebecca Duffy Global Early Modern duffyr@udel.edu
Stemberger, Claudia Marion Arts of Africa and the Diaspora (20th & 21st Centuries)
Stephenson, Lea C. American and British Art lcsteph@udel.edu
Stevens, Dakota H. Indigenous Art, Muralism, Graffiti, American Art stevensd@udel.edu
Sun, Xiaomeng   xmsun@udel.edu
Thompson, Sasha    sashakay@udel.edu
Ugwu, Izunna Visual and Material Culture of Africa and African Diaspora isugwu@udel.edu
Westerby, Genevieve 19th century European Art gwesterb@udel.edu