Undergraduate Opportunities
Exhibition Opportunities
Each year Undergraduate BFA students have opportunities to exhibit their work publicly in the BFA Thesis Shows. Additional exhibition opportunities stem from individual courses, student groups, and our annual juried show.
Department Of Art & Design's Annual Undergraduate Juried Exhibition
Every spring the Department of Art & Design hosts the Annual Undergraduate Juried Exhibition. This exhibition showcases student talent throughout the University of Delaware. An external Juror is chosen by the Exhibition Committee from the region and is a prominent designer, curator or museum/gallery director. This event is a highlight of the year for the department, and numerous awards are given at the opening of the event.
Teaching Assistant Opportunities
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
The College of Arts and Sciences accepts nominations for the Undergraduate Teacher's Assistant Program (UTA) at the end of each spring semester. Only one full-time student will be assigned per faculty member, and faculty must apply on behalf of their student.
The UTA Position:
- Affords a select group of well-qualified students the opportunity for an educational and transformational experience that they would not ordinarily receive in their formal course work.
- Provides a form of recognition for competent students who have done superior academic work. Students are proud to include this experience/honor on their curriculum vitae.
- Assists members of the faculty with research related to their teaching, grading, preparation of instructional materials, and other teaching-related assignments.
University-Wide Opportunities
Summer Scholars
The Summer Scholars Program enables selected undergraduates, generally sophomores and juniors, to conduct in-depth research or creative work with University faculty. Students in the Summer Scholars Program work on their projects full-time for ten weeks in the summer and continue to complete three credits' worth of research in the following academic year. Research and creative work is generally completed under the close supervision of a faculty member. The research done during the academic year may be part of the senior thesis for the Degree with Distinction or Honors Degree with Distinction. Each Scholar will receive a stipend of $3,500. For more information, visit the Summer Scholars web page.
Summer Fellows
The Undergraduate Research Program awards Summer Fellowships ranging from $300-$1500. These awards are intended to provide partial support for undergraduate researchers who have been working on projects during the academic year who would like to continue research in the summer or wish to begin projects that will continue in next academic year. Summer Fellowship holders may combine research with summer courses, summer jobs, and/or summer volunteer activities. For more information, visit the Summer Fellows web page.
Academic Year Travel Awards
A limited amount of money is available for academic year conference travel. Visit the Undergraduate Research Program website for application information and instructions.
Supply and Expense Awards
During the fall and spring semesters, supply-and-expense grants of up to $150 per student are awarded to undergraduates engaged in research. Submit an application.