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Department of Anthropology
University of Delaware
John Munroe Hall, Room 135
46 W. Delaware Ave.
Newark, DE 19716-2547

Building a strong community

Thank you for your interest in donating to the Department of Anthropology at the University of Delaware. Your gift supports faculty and student research and helps us create opportunities for student activities and faculty/student interactions that strengthen our community.

A University of Delaware student and a group of five children smile for the camera. The student holds the toddler while a teenage girls plays with the student's hair.

Make a tax-deductible gift online via the yellow "Make a Gift" button on this page.​ For more donation options, such as employer matching gifts, visit UD Alumni & Friends, How to Give.

Designate your gift for general use or for one of the following awards:

Juan A. Villamarin Award for Opportunity and Excellence

This memorial award provides recognition for excellence and financial aid for students from underrepresented groups.

Juan A. Villamarin, professor, and for many years chair of the Department of Anthropology, chose to work with students who were underrepresented in undergraduate education. He formed close relationships with generations of students who called him "Papa Juan." He had deep empathy for students, especially those who were new to the academic environment, and he worked diligently to help them succeed at the University of Delaware. 

Peter M. Weil Travel Award

This fund was established to support undergraduate students' travel for independent anthropological research across the United States and around the world.

Peter M. Weil, professor emeritus, was instrumental in establishing the Department of Anthropology at the University of Delaware. While teaching at UD, he mentored undergraduate students on research training projects, senior theses, and independent study projects.