K. Marshall Green

K. Marshall Green

Assistant Professor of Africana Studies


​​K. Marshall Green is a shape-shifting Black Queer Feminist nerd; an Afro-Future, freedom-dreaming, rhyme slinging dragon slayer in search of a new world; a scholar, poet, facilitator, filmmaker; and an Assistant Professor of Africana Studies at The University of Delaware. Green explores questions of Black sexual and gender agency, health, creativity, and resilience in the context of state and social violence. An interdisciplinary scholar, Green employs Black feminist theory, visual culture, performance studies, and trans studies to investigate Black queer forms of self-representation and communal methods of political mobilization. He combines scholarship, art and activism in his research on race, gender, and sexuality in Black queer communities and cultural production. He earned his Ph.D. from the Department of American Studies and Ethnicity with specializations in Gender Studies and Visual Anthropology at the University of Southern California. Green is a former postdoctoral fellow in Sexuality Studies and African American Studies at Northwestern University and winner of the Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral and Dissertation Fellowships. Green has published and edited work in GLQ: Gay and Lesbian Quarterly, South Atlantic Quarterly, Black Camera, and TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. He is currently completing his memoir, A Body Made Home: They Black Trans Love (The Feminist Press). He is a proud founding member of Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100) where he sat on The Healing and Safety Council. You can find him on Instagram and Twitter: @drDrummerBoiG​​