Our People

Meet Our People


The Department of Africana Studies at the University of Delaware's College of Arts and Sciences is home to a diverse group of esteemed faculty and staff members. These scholars and professionals bring a wealth of expertise and experience in various aspects of African American and African Diasporic studies, including history, literature, culture, politics, and social justice.

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Name Affiliation Title Email
Cooper, Carlton R.  Joint Faculty Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences  crcooper@udel.edu
Davis Jr., Theodore J. Joint Faculty Professor of Political Science & International Relations  teddavis@udel.edu
Fleury-Steiner, Benjamin D. Joint Faculty Professor of Sociology  bfs@udel.edu
Guerron-Montero, Carla M.  Joint Faculty Professor of Anthropology  cguerron@udel.edu
Okoye, Ikem S. Joint Faculty Associate Professor of Art History  isokoye@udel.edu
Spaulding, A. Timothy  Joint Faculty Associate Professor of English  aspauldi@udel.edu
Wilson, David C.  Joint Faculty Associate Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences  dcwilson@udel.edu

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Name Affiliation Email
Ford, Tanisha C.  Affiliate Faculty tcford@udel.edu
Foreman, P. Gabrielle  Affiliate Faculty gforeman@udel.edu

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Name Title Email
Andersen, Margaret L.  Emeritus Professor of Sociology & Africana Studies mla@udel.edu
Henderson, Carol E.  Emeritus Professor of English & Africana Studies ceh@udel.edu
Higginbotham, Elizabeth S.  Emertius Professor of Sociology & Africana Studies ehiggin@udel.edu
Johnson, Howard B.  Emeritus Professor of Africana Studies & History  howardj@udel.edu
Jones, James M. Emeritus Professor of Psychology & Africana Studies jmjones@udel.edu
Newton, James E.  Emeritus Professor of Africana Studies  newtoncc@comcast.net

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Name Title Email
Batson, Chantelle Academic Program Manager cbatson@udel.edu
Darsillo, Andrea HR Generalist adarsill@udel.edu
Demby, Sheldon Computer Support Specialist II srdemby@udel.edu
O'Rourke, Kelly Events Manager kellyo@udel.edu
Semones, Matthew Facilities Coordinator II msemones@udel.edu
Stoehr, Lois Program Coordinator, Internships lstoehr@udel.edu

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Name Affiliation Email
Anderson, Olivia Graduate Student oandrsn@udel.edu
Dada, Olorunfemi Graduate Student dada@udel.edu
Graham, Chad Graduate Student ckgraham@udel.edu
Heard, Kayla Graduate Student kheard@udel.edu
John, Afiya Jannah Graduate Student afiyaj@udel.edu
Newman, Joshua Graduate Student joshtnew@udel.edu
Pinkney, Marie Graduate Student mpinkney@udel.edu
X, Dominique Graduate Student dschirli@udel.edu