Support the center

A college of students
​Your support helps fund important student positions within the Center for the Study and Prevention of Gender-Based Violence, including research assistantships and externship opportunities.

Your Support Can Make a Difference

Our Center depends strongly on alumni and friends to augment state funding and support from research contracts and grants.

Gifts from individuals, businesses and foundations empower us to provide research and training opportunities for students, post-doctoral scholars and faculty fellows.

Your gift supports the professional development of undergraduate and graduate research assistants, undergraduate and graduate research assistants, interns and externs committed to the study and prevention of gender-based violence.

​Pledge your support using our secure online form



Support the Center Grow Capacity

The Center for the Study and Prevention of Gender-Based Violence was founded in 2020. Funding to hire additional staff will allow the Center to reach our goals more quickly.

Prevention Through Workforce Development

The Center is positioned to develop and deliver workshops on preventing sexual and intimate partner violence to professionals in Delaware who work in a variety of positions including in sexual and intimate partner violence services, health care, education, government, small businesses and the corporate world. Our goal is to train professionals in every industry across the state of Delaware who can implement programs and policies that will prevent gender-based violence from occurring in the first place and interrupt it when it does happen.

Primary Prevention Through Education

Prevention begins with children. The Center is developing workshops specifically geared toward teachers who can infuse age appropriate lessons into their curricula at all levels, from kindergarten through 12th grade.

Feminist Approaches to Managing Workplace Violence

Most everyone who has had to take a work place “sexual harassment” training knows that they are boring and most ineffective. The Center will develop engaging training programs that are rooted in a feminist approach and the latest, cutting edge research. We plan to offer these trainings in a variety of formats to workplaces across Delaware in the hopes of reducing workplace harassment and violence for all.


Support University of Delaware Students

Your gift can help fund student internships with local community organizations that combat Gender Based Violence. Your gift allows us to expand our internships and provide students with valuable professional and research based opportunities.  Supporting students is a wonderful opportunity to both expand professional opportunities and provide resources to our local community partners. Undergraduate and graduate students gain professional development experience at the Center through a nested mentoring model, collaborating with one another, faculty members, and community partners, on research projects, community outreach, and social media management. Research assistants are a diverse group of interdisciplinary, critical feminist scholars with a variety of research interests, bringing attention to several dimensions of GBV at the Center.


Help us Build our Capacity to Prevent Violence

​A gift to the Center for the Study and Prevention of Gender-Based Violence will be used to hire and support the critical staff necessary to offer robust programming, extend our community partnerships, build our national relevance, and offer meaningful experiences for students at the University of Delaware.