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GeT Involved
The University of Delaware Center for the Study and Prevention of Gender-Based Violence engages a variety of scholars, practitioners and students who share an interest in impacting gender-based violence in our communities, in Delaware and across the United States and the globe. Learn more about our current members and membership opportunities:
Core Members
Core Faculty/Staff Members have an appointment at the University of Delaware. They may be tenured/tenure track faculty, continuing track faculty, administrative faculty, or staff. Core members are University of Delaware faculty or staff whose research, teaching, and service include a primary focus on gender-based violence. In addition to having an appointment at the University of Delaware, core members are expected to have an active teaching and/or research and/or service agenda with a primary focus on some aspect of gender-based violence; for example, teaching at least one course per academic year or having at minimum 50% of their research/grant/service activity focused on gender-based violence.
Faculty interested in an appointment as core faculty must be nominated by an existing core member, who may nominate them or any potential new member for consideration by the Center Membership Committee.
Affiliated Members
Affiliated Faculty/Staff Members have an appointment at the University of Delaware. Affiliated Faculty/Staff members have a demonstrated commitment to teaching, research, and services that address gender-based violence. Affiliated members are those who incorporate gender-based violence in their teaching, research, and service, but not necessarily as their primary focus.
Faculty interested in an appointment as an affiliated member must be nominated by an existing core member, who may nominate them or any potential proposed new member for consideration by the Center Membership Committee.
Associated Members
Associated Faculty Members hold an academic appointment at external (non UD) universities and colleges. Associated Faculty membership includes a posting on the Center’s website, invitations to participate in the Center’s programs and general meetings, optional eligibility to serve on Center committees, and occasionally providing consultation to the Co-Directors.
Associated Practitioners
Associated Practitioners are professionals in the field who wish to be associated with the Center. Membership includes a posting on the Center’s website, invitations to participate in the Center’s programs and general meetings, optional eligibility to serve on Center committees, and occasionally providing consultation to the Co-Directors.
Associate Graduate Members
Associated Graduate Members are pursuing a master’s, professional, or doctoral degree at the University of Delaware or any non-UD universities and colleges. Associated Graduate membership includes a posting on the Center’s website, invitations to participate in the Center’s programs and general meetings, and optional eligibility to serve on Center committees.