Daniel McDevit

Daniel McDevit

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
Disability Support Services Coordinator

Wilmington Campus
CEB Room 806


​Dan McDevit teaches biology courses for the AAP in Wilmington. Dr. McDevit has a B.S. in biology from Trinity College in Connecticut, an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Boston College in Massachusetts, and a Ph.D. in biology from the University of New Brunswick in Canada. He joined UD and the AAP in 2017 after teaching biology for six years at Florida SouthWestern State College in Fort Myers, Florida. 

Dr. McDevit has followed a number of research paths throughout his life. Beginning as an undergraduate, he was involved in several projects, including the physiology of electric fish, the ecology of urban squirrels, and the impact of environmental change on freshwater algae. After college, he had the opportunity to study wildlife and grassland ecology in Kenya, as well as the biochemistry of immune systems as a lab technician in Boston. Finally, as a graduate student, he studied the biodiversity and taxonomy of seaweeds. 

Currently, he is exploring interests in the ecology of marshland habitats on the Delaware River and the biology of honeybees (in the AAP’s very own beehives!), as well as looking at the impact of hands-on research in the science classroom. 

In addition to teaching biology, Dr. McDevit also serves as the liaison for UD's Disability Support Services (DSS) on the Wilmington campus and is the person to contact if you have any questions or concerns related to DSS or need any assistance in accessing services.



​Ph.D., Biology, University of New Brunswick
M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, Boston College
Bachelor of Science, Biology, Trinity College


Courses Taught

BISC103/113: Principles of Biology and Lab
BISC105: Human Heredity and Development
BISC107: Elementary Evolutionary Ecology
BISC152: Biology of Human Sexuality
BISC207: General Biology I (for majors)
SCEN105: Science on the Scene


​Research Articles:

McDevit, D.C. and Saunders, G.W. (2017). A molecular investigation of Canadian Scytosiphonaceae (Phaeophyceae) including descriptions of Planosiphon gen. nov. and Scytosiphon promiscuus sp. nov. Botany 95: 653-71.

Kawai, H., Hanyuda, T., Yamagishi, T., Kai, A., Lane, C., McDevit, D., Küpper, F. and Saunders, G. (2015) Reproductive morphology and DNA sequences of the brown alga Platysiphon verticillatus support the new combination Platysiphon glacialis. J. Phycol 51: 910-7.

Saunders, G.W. and McDevit, D.C. (2014). A DNA barcode survey of Haida Gwaii kelp (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) reveals novel ecological and distributional observations and Saccharina druehlii sp. nov. Botany 92: 821-826.

Saunders, G.W. and McDevit, D.C. (2013). DNA barcoding unmasks overlooked diversity improving knowledge on the composition and origins of the Churchill algal flora. BMC Biology 13:9. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6785-13-9.

Saunders, G.W. and McDevit, D.C. (2012). Acquiring DNA sequence data from dried archival (type) red algae (Florideophyceae) for the purpose of applying species concepts to contemporary genetic species: a critical assessment.  Botany 90:191-203.

View more publications

Schneider, C.W., McDevit, D.C., Saunders, G.W. and Lane, C.E. (2011) Notes on the marine algae of the Bermudas. 12. A molecular taxonomic assessment of Nemastoma gelatinosum M.  Howe (Rhodophyta, Nemastomatales) from its type locality. Cryptogamie-Algologie 32:313-325.

Sloan, N.A, McDevit, D.C. and Saunders, G.W. (2011). Further to the occurrence of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) in British Columbia. Canadian Field Naturalist 124: 238-41.

McDevit, D.C. and Saunders, G.W. (2010). A DNA barcode examination of the Laminariaceae (Phaeophyceae) in Canada reveals novel biogeographical and evolutionary insights. Phycologia 49: 235-48.

McDevit, D.C. and Saunders, G.W. (2009). On the utility of DNA barcoding for species differentiation among brown macroalgae (Phaeophyceae) including a novel extraction protocol. Phycological Research 57(2): 131-141.

Liang, M., Zhang, Y., McDevit, D.C., Marecki, S. and Nikolajczyk, B.S. (2006). The Interleukin-1beta Gene Is Transcribed from a Poised Promoter Architecture in Monocytes. J. Biological Chem. 281(14): 9227-37.

McDevit, D.C. and Nikolajczyk, B.S. (2006). Changes in immunoglobulin nucleoprotein complex structure mapped by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Molecular Immunology 43(10):1541-8.

McDevit, D.C., Perkins, L., Atchison, M.L. and Nikolajczyk, B.S. (2005). The Igk3’ enhancer is activated by gradients of chromatin accessibility and protein association. Journal of Immunology 174(5): 2834-42.

McCarthy, K., McDevit, D.C., Andreucci, A., Reeves, R. and Nikolajczyk, B.S. (2003). HMGA1 Co-activates Transcription in B Cells through Indirect Association with DNA J. Biol. Chem. 278(43): 42106-14

Schneider C.W. and McDevit, D.C. (2002).  Are earthworms a possible mechanism for airborne dispersal of the alga Vaucheria? Northeastern Naturalist 9: 225-234.

McDevit, D.C. and Schneider, C.W. (2002).  The survival of Vaucheria (Vaucheriaceae) propagules in New England riparian sediments after repeated freeze/ thaw cycles.  Rhodora 104: 161-169.

Dunphy, M.E, McDevit, D.C., Lane, C.E., and Schneider, C.W. (2001). The survival of Vaucheria (Vaucheriaceae) propagules in desiccated New England riparian sediments.  Rhodora 103: 916-926.

Book Chapters/Lab Manuals:

McDevit, D.C. (2014) Laboratory Manual for BSC1010L Biological Science I. Florida SouthWestern State College, Fort Myers, FL.

Saunders, G.W. and McDevit, D. (2012). Chapter 10: Methods for DNA barcoding photosynthetic protists emphasizing the macroalgae and diatoms. In Kress, W.J. and Erickson, D.L. (Eds.) DNA Barcodes: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 858. New York, NY: Humana Press. 435 p. 71 illus.


McDevit, D. DNA based species identification: Seaweed biodiversity and how the DNA barcode is revolutionizing biological research. Current topics and research in science seminar series. Florida SouthWestern State College, Fort Myers, FL (December 2014).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. Cryptic brown algal complexes in the Canadian flora as revealed through DNA barcoding. 50th Northeast Algal Society Symposium, Woods Hole, MA (April 2011).

Popolizio, T.R., Lane, C.E., Schneider, C.W. and D.C. McDevit. Molecular tools expose misidentified and novel taxa among Bermudian Rhodophyta. 50th Northeast Algal Society Symposium, Woods Hole, MA (April 2011).

Saunders, G.W and D. McDevit. Acquiring DNA sequence data from dried archival (type) red algae (Florideophyceae) for the purpose of applying species concepts to contemporary genetic species: a critical assessment. CBA/SPNHC joint meeting, Ottawa ON (May 2010).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. A molecular investigation of the Scytosiphonaceae in Canada. 49th Northeast Algal Society Symposium, Bristol, RI (April 2010).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. DNA barcoding reveals cryptic diversity among phaeophycean taxa with simple and plastic morphologies in Canada. 48th Northeast Algal Society Symposium, Amherst MA, USA. (April 2009).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. Barcoding brown algae: Uncovering cryptic diversity in the Canadian Phaeophyceae. 2nd General Meeting of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (May 2008).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. Barcoding brown algae: new discoveries in the Canadian Phaeophyceae. Canadian Barcode of Life Network Symposium. Toronto, ON Canada (May 2008).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. Barcoding brown algae: Cryptic diversity in the Canadian Phaeophyceae 47th Northeast Algal Society Symposium, Durham, NH, USA. (April 2008).

McDevit, D. Brown algae and barcodes: Ecology, biogeography and what the barcode can do for you. UNB Biology Seminar Series. Fredericton, NB Canada. (February 2008).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. DNA barcoding reveals substantial cryptic diversity among macroalgae in Canada's three oceans. Second International Barcode of Life Conference. Taipei, Taiwan. (September, 2007).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. Barcoding Brown Algae: The DNA barcode initiative is changing our view of the Phaeophyceae in Canada.  Phycological Society of America Annual Meeting, Warwick, RI, USA. (August, 2007).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. Barcoding brown algae: the DNA barcode is expanding our knowledge of species limits, biogeography and cryptic species in the Canadian Phaeophyceae.  Canadian Barcode of Life Network Symposium. Guelph, ON, Canada (May 2007).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders. DNA barcoding is uncovering cryptic diversity in Canadian brown algae (Phaeophyceae). 1st General Meeting of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution. Toronto, ON. Canada (May 2007).

McDevit, D. and G.W. Saunders.  Barcoding brown algae: how DNA barcoding is changing our view of the Phaeophyceae in Canada. 46th Northeast Algal Society Symposium, Narragansett, RI, USA. (April 2007).

Nikolajczyk, B., Liang, MD., Zhang, Y., McDevit, DC. and S. Marecki. The IL-1 beta gene is transcribed from a poised promoter architecture in monocytes. American Association of Immulologists Meeting (May 2006).

McDevit D. and G.W. Saunders.  Assessing species richness and phylogenetic relationships of the brown algal (Phaeophyceae) flora of Canada. 45th Northeast Algal Symposium, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY (April 2006).

McDevit D.  Assessing species richness and phylogenetic relationships of Canadian brown algae. Center for Marine Algal Research Conference, Mount Alison University, Sackville, NB (March 2006).

McDevit D.  Molecular barcodes and algae; a new method for species identification. Graduate Student Association Conference, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB (February 2006).

McDevit D. Mechanisms regulating immune system gene activation.  Alumni Day. Trinity College, Hartford, CT (March 2005). 

McDevit D., Holodick N., Morwood K., Hastings W., Rothstein T. and B. Nikolajczyk. HMGA1 regulates the immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer in B cells. Boston University Evans Medicine Research Days, Boston, MA (November 2003).

McDevit D.C.  and C.W. Schneider.  The effects of repeated freezing and thawing cycles on Vaucheria  (Vaucheriaceae) propagules in Connecticut riparian sediments, 40th Northeast Algal Symposium, Plymouth, Massachusetts (April 2001).

Dunlap K.D., P. Pelczar and D. McDevit. Cobalt blockage of ampullary electroreceptors inhibits aggressive signaling in an electric fish. Gordon Conference on Neuroethology, Queens College, Oxford, UK (1999).
