Anne Colwell
Anne Colwell
Disability Support Services Coordinator for the Dover & Georgetown Campuses
Georgetown Campus
Office 42, Suite 172, Jason Technology Center
My love for teaching writing and literature comes out of my own life and experience. I read constantly, and I write poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. I teach classes involving all three genres, and I’ve published work in all three genres. Word Poetry published two books of my poems, Believing Their Shadows (2011) and Mother’s Maiden Name (2013). A critical book I wrote about the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop is entitled Inscrutable Houses: Metaphors of the Body in the Poems of Elizabeth Bishop and was published by the University of Alabama Press. My poems, short stories, and essays have appeared in several journals, including Bellevue Literary Review, California Quarterly, Southern Poetry Review, and The Madison Review. I’ve been a member of the staff of the Bread Loaf Writer’s Workshop and a visiting professor of American Literature at the University of Granada in Spain.
Courses Taught
Introduction to Poetry
Introduction to Short Story
Approaches to Literature
British Literature I
Seminar in Composition
Introduction to the Novel
Studies in Literature
Linguistics 101
Ph.D., English and American Literature, University of Delaware
Master of Arts, University of Delaware
Bachelor of Arts, Immaculata University
Critical Books
Inscrutable Houses: Metaphors of the Body in the Poems of Elizabeth Bishop. London and Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1997.
Books of Poetry
Mother’s Maiden Name. Word Poetry, 2013.
Believing Their Shadows. Word Poetry, 2010.
Father’s Occupation, Mother’s Maiden Name. Winner of The Dogfish Head Poetry Contest. Annapolis: Bay Oaks Publishers, 2007. Judge: Grace Cavillieri. Washington, D.C.
Twenty Poems: An Online Chapbook. The Poets. Alsop Review, Spring 2003.
Presentations and Conferences
2008: Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference. Staff Member. Fiction.
2007: Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference. Staff Member. Fiction.
2006: Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference. Staff Member. Poetry.
2005: Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference. Workshop participant in Michael Collier’s poetry workshop.