Student Resources
Student Resources
One of the benefits of the UD Associate in Arts Program is the close, personal contact that students have with academic advisors, faculty and staff. If you have questions or concerns about an academic or personal issue, first connect with your academic advisor.
As an AAP student, you are eligible to participate in most of the student activities on the Newark campus and may utilize all services on that campus, with the exception of Student Health Services and the Center for Counseling and Student Development (unless you have paid the Student Health Fee).
Student Resources for AAP Students
The AAP offers math, writing and Spanish tutoring; Disability Support Services; library resources; and connections with UD student clubs and organizations. If you have any questions about these services and resources, email us at associateinarts@udel.edu.
Resources In Newark and Beyond
AAP students receive a UDID card and are granted many of the same privileges as UD students at the Newark campus, including admission to athletic events; use of the Morris Library; eligibility to participate in activities such as UD's marching band, ROTC, student organizations, and study abroad; and more. Individual, UD-staffed tutoring is available in writing and in math on each campus if a student needs academic assistance. If needed, tutoring can be arranged for other subjects, as well.
Accommodations for Associate in Arts students with disabilities are typically provided through the AAP’s Disability Support Services coordinator. Students must first be determined eligible for accommodations by the Disabilities Support Services (DSS) office on the Newark campus and will need to submit appropriate documentation to the Documentation Review Committee. This typically takes several weeks, so it is best to begin the process as soon as possible. Students submitting documentation prior to beginning their first semester in the program may send materials directly to the DSS office at 240 Academy St., Alison Hall, Suite 130, Newark, DE 19716. Additional information about accommodations is available at the Disability Support Services website.
As our students begin their UD journey with us, we strive to offer them the support that is necessary for their success. College is a period of significant change, and students may feel overwhelmed as they encounter academic, social and financial stressors.
Mental Health Care Coordinators
AAP students have access to a Mental Health Care Coordinator at their respective campuses. Coordinators are licensed clinicians who provide short-term, goal-directed counseling services at no charge to students. Coordinators can also provide case management, consultation and referral resources to students. These services are embedded within each respective campus, thereby reducing barriers to care. The AAP Mental Health Care Coordinators have a deep appreciation for the unique opportunities and challenges that come with participation in the Associate in Arts Program as well as the local community context. AAP students may email the Mental Health Care Coordinator at their campus to make an appointment:
Wilmington Campus:
Danielle Lopez, LCSW
Dover and Georgetown Campuses:
Rebecca Brandt, LCSW
Additional Mental Health Resources
TimelyCare: UD students now have free, 24/7 access to virtual mental health support with TimelyCare and can talk to a licensed counselor now through the Timely Care app. Students should use their UD email to join. TimelyCare for UDel - Login Email TimelyCare includes:
Talk Now: 24/7, on-demand emotional support to talk about anything, including anxiety, relationships, depression and school-related stressors.
Scheduled Counseling: 45-minute appointments with a licensed mental health provider in your state.
Health Coaching: Unlimited appointments with a certified health coach to help you adopt strategies for optimal sleep, nutrition and stress management.
- Self-Care Resources: Guided self-care content, including yoga, meditation and other recordings.
AAP Student Support Coordinators
AAP Student Support Coordinators are available as a central resource for students, families, faculty and staff when navigating the complexities of the university experience through student support and advocacy, family engagement and collaborations. They report directly to the Student Advocacy & Support and act as liaisons for the Division of Student Life through collaborative efforts to provide students with community-building and co-curricular experiences.
Wilmington Campus:
Maegan Cruz, M.S.
Dover and Georgetown Campuses:
Lindsey Massey, M.Ed.
AAP writing specialists Michael Aronovitz and Dr. Brandy Yates offer writing tutoring sessions through which all members of the UD AAP community can meet to talk and learn about writing. They can assist students with each step in the writing process: selecting a topic, developing a thesis statement, organizing ideas and using APA and MLA format effectively.
Prof. Aronovitz and Dr. Yates are available to help with assignments in all subjects and can also offer expert assistance with résumé writing, creative writing, job and scholarship applications, oral presentations and speeches. To set up an in-person writing tutoring appointment in Dover and Georgetown, contact Dr. Brandy Yates at byates@udel.edu; to request an in-person appointment in Wilmington, email Michael Aronovitz at marono@udel.edu. Please note: In-person tutoring appointments may require additional time to schedule.
If Prof. Aronovitz and Dr. Yates are booked, all AAP students are welcome to make an online appointment with a tutor at the University of Delaware Writing Center.
The AAP’s Math Learning Lab is staffed with faculty and peer tutors from the Office of Academic Enrichment. Our tutors offer students free, expert, drop-in guidance via Zoom by helping to clarify areas of confusion, reviewing key concepts and working with them to develop effective study strategies.
Whether students are preparing for a major exam or just have a quick question about a homework assignment, the tutors at the Math Learning Lab can provide them with the academic support they need. Math tutoring is offered on a drop-in basis during the hours listed below; there is no need to make an appointment.
Spring 2025: Math Learning Lab Regular Schedule |
Virtual (all campuses): Monday: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuesday: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Wednesday: 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. Thursday: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
In Person (Wilmington campus only): Monday: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. Thursday: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. |
Virtual Spanish tutoring is available for AAP students on Fridays from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The AAP's Stasie Harrington offers Zoom tutoring sessions through which all AAP students can receive assistance with coursework in Spanish 105, 106 and 107. Email Stasie Harrington at stasie@udel.edu to schedule virtual tutoring.
Students enrolled in the Associate in Arts Program are eligible to use services on the Newark campus. The only exception is the Student Health Services office and the Center for Counseling and Student Development. Only those students who pay the Student Health Fee are eligible for these services. Listed below are some Newark campus services that may be of help to you:
- Office of Academic Enrichment
- ACCESS-Adult Center for Continuing Education Student Services
- Career Center
- Center for Counseling and Student Development (for students who have paid Student Health Fee)
- Office of Disability Support Services
- Help with Essentials
- Information Technologies
- Office for International Students and Scholars
- Library Resources & Information for AAP Students
- University Writing Center
- Office of Equity and Inclusion
- Division of Student Life
- Registrar's Office – Student Resources
- Sean's House: 24/7 Mental Health Support for 14- to 24-year-olds
- Study Abroad
- Student Financial Services
- UD Transfer Center
- Undergraduate Research Program
- AAP Student Support Fund: Supports eligible students who face a serious financial hardship due to unanticipated crisis. Situations are considered on a case-by-case basis and may eliminate unforeseen barriers to students’ persistence at UD.
- Food Insecurity: The Food Bank of Delaware includes a variety of services for students experiencing food insecurity, including its Mobile Food Pantry, DoorDash (Wilmington only), and Amazon delivery options.
Please see a list of all food banks/food distribution centers in Delaware.
Delaware 211: Connects all Delaware residents to essential services throughout the state, including emergency housing, food, transportation, medical care, mental health services, utility assistance, legal help and more.
Leave of Absence: Students may request a Leave of Absence, either for documented medical, educational, military or personal reasons. The student should submit the Leave of Absence Notification form to notify all appropriate academic offices of his/her temporary absence from the University of Delaware.
Living Off Campus: UD has partnered with Places4Students.com to make searching for housing, roommates or tenants easy and free. Included in this service are descriptive listings with photos, floor plans, amenities, Google mapping and more, as well as filterable search tools and live support for students.
Victim Support: Support services are available for students who have been impacted by sexual violence, intimate partner violence and/or stalking. 24/7 crisis care is available through the TimelyCare app.
Title IX: Guidelines, reporting information, and further assistance for students, faculty, or staff who are or know of a survivor of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and/or dating/domestic violence.