Category: Research

Registration for Biology Research Day 2025 is now open
November 07, 2024 Written by CAS Communications
The 2025 event will take place in a stunning new venue
The Department of Biological Sciences is hosting its third annual Biology Research Day on Friday, January 10, 2025. The event will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Deerfield Country Club.
Following the success of the two previous events with over 185 attendees last year, the department is thrilled to announce Deerfield Country Club as its new venue! The Deerfield Country Club is located near the scenic White Clay Creek State Park.
Students will utilize the club’s ballrooms and atriums to present their research and network with fellow researchers. Students will have the opportunity to engage and connect with their peers through flash talks, poster sessions and an awards ceremony. Breakfast and lunch will also be catered by Deerfield.
To present research, undergraduate students are encouraged to submit their abstracts by no later than December 13. Graduate students should submit abstracts by November 15.
Please register by no later than December 13, 2024.
This is a closed event limited only to students, faculty and staff within the biology department. Guests are not permitted. All departmental attendees, including faculty, should register to attend the event.