Category: School of Music

Photo of Daniel Stevens

School of Music Announces Interim Director

January 24, 2024 Written by CAS Communications

The University of Delaware is pleased to announce that Daniel (Danny) Stevens has been appointed interim director of the School of Music.

Prior to his appointment, Stevens served as the School of Music associate director of undergraduate studies, three terms in the UD Faculty Senate and as a representative to the UD chapter of the AAUP.

Stevens, a professor of music theory, joined UD in September 2008 and is nationally recognized for his engaging and innovative approach to teaching. He received the 2023 Pedagogy Award from the Society for Music Theory for his contributions to Foundations of Aural Skills, and open-access aural skills textbook.

An advocate for problem-based learning and community engagement, Stevens partnered with the College of Engineering and the Maggie E. Neumann Health Sciences Research Fund on a research project to develop a listening device that helps children with autism learn how to compose music.

As an administrator, Stevens has a clear vision, goals and strategy for the continued growth of the School of Music. He is dedicated to fostering a strong community centered on collaboration, trust, equity and inclusion.​

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