For UD Faculty

Department Liaisons

The Student Success Center team liaisons with academic departments to support faculty advisement of junior and senior students. Responsibilities of the SSC liaison include:

  • Coordinating the degree checkout process
  • Interpreting transcripts
  • Identifying degree requirements
  • Understanding policy
  • Troubleshooting issues

For questions or concerns, contact the appropriate coordinator from the list below. Email your liaison or call 302-831-3020.

Chantelle Batson​

​​Academic Program ​​Manager

Brian Posthauer

Academic Program Manager

Sarah Wetherall

Academic Program Manager
Africana Studies Chantelle Batson
Anthropology Brian Posthauer
Art & Design Chantelle Batson
Art Conservation Chantelle Batson
Art History Sarah Wetherall
Biological Sciences Sarah Wetherall
Chemistry & Biochemistry Sarah Wetherall
Communication Brian Posthauer
Dance Chantelle Batson
English Chantelle Batson
Fashion & Apparel Studies Brian Posthauer
Global & Area Studies Sarah Wetherall
History Chantelle Batson
Journalism Chantelle Batson
Languages, Literatures & Cultures Brian Posthauer
Legal Studies Sarah Wetherall
Liberal Studies (excluding Medical Scholars) Chantelle Batson
Linguistics & Cognitive Science Sarah Wetherall
Mathematical Sciences Sarah Wetherall
Medical Scholars Sarah Wetherall
Medical Humanities Sarah Wetherall
Music Chantelle Batson
Philosophy Brian Posthauer
Physics & Astronomy Brian Posthauer
Political Science & International Relations Sarah Wetherall
Sociology & Criminal Justice Brian Posthauer
Theatre Chantelle Batson
Women & Gender Studies Brian Posthauer