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Thank you, Master Gardeners!

by Carrie Murphy, Tracy Wootten and Megan Pleasanton

April 2020


April is National Volunteer Month, a time when we celebrate the contributions that Delaware Master Gardeners provide to Cooperative Extension!

In 2019, Delaware Master Gardeners volunteered more than 15,000 hours to our home horticulture program. Our volunteers donate time in our local communities, expanding outreach programs by $362,100 ($24.14/hr. of service, Independent Sector, 2019) for both University of Delaware (UD) and Delaware State University (DSU). 

Thank you to all of our current and past Master Gardeners for all of your hard work! 

About the program

Delaware has nearly 300 Master Gardener volunteer educators. Training to become a Master Gardener is offered in all three counties and is an intensive and comprehensive 16-week course designed to prepare trainees to volunteer with UD and DSU extension educators and specialists. Training is provided by educators and specialists from both universities, as well as green industry experts, valued partners, and experienced Master Gardeners. During training, trainees participate in formal lectures, discussion sessions, problem-solving sessions, tours, hands-on workshops, and distance learning.

Before becoming full-fledged Master Gardeners, trainees are introduced to:

  • plant identification,
  • soil health and plant nutrition,
  • integrated pest management,
  • plant diagnostics,
  • landscape maintenance and turf management,
  • food production,
  • plant selection,
  • education methodology,
  • program design and evaluation,
  • presentation technology
  • and more!


Master Gardeners continue their learning throughout their careers by participating in annual advanced training and professional development opportunities offered by Cooperative Extension and our valued partners. Upon completion of the formal training program, Master Gardeners are expected to donate a minimum of 40 hours of their time to Cooperative Extension in their first year after training and 30 each consecutive year. This time is spent problem-solving, educating and advising the citizens of Delaware. 


What do Delaware Master Gardeners do?

We re-evaluate programming each year to respond to the needs of our communities. Current programs and services available across our state include: 

  • home gardener workshops,
  • presentations in the community (via the Speakers' Bureau),
  • the garden help line, ask an expert and plant/insect diagnostic clinic,
  • youth education programs and projects,
  • technical assistance and
  • demonstration gardens at the county extension offices. 


Become a Master Gardener

For more information on how to become a Master Gardener and to learn more about our current Master Gardener volunteer projects, visit us online or contact your county's Master Gardener program coordinator: