Crop Production

A field of sdoybeans.

Delaware’s Vegetable Industry is alive and vibrant, with nearly 60,000 acres planted annually. Kent and Sussex Counties each are in the top 1% of all counties in the U.S. in vegetable production. Approximately 60% of the acreage is devoted to processing vegetables, 40% is devoted to fresh market.

Vegetable and Small Fruits Program


The University of Delaware Cooperative Extension Vegetable Crops Program provides non-biased, research based information for producers, processors, and agribusiness personnel in Delaware, the region, and the nation. The program addresses the needs of commercial producers of fresh-market and processing vegetables.

The needs are addressed with applied research and demonstration programs in variety trials, plant nutrition, and innovative cultural practices. The information and knowledge is disseminated through a wide range of venues, including educational meetings, publications, direct contact, and this website.

Lima Bean Breeding Program

Lima beans are Delaware’s most widely planted vegetable crop. Approximately 14,000 acres of green baby limas for processing are planted in the state each year.

Lima beans are Delaware's most widely planted vegetable crop. Approximately 14,000 acres of green baby limas for processing are planted in the state each year. Fordhook and large seeded pole limas for fresh market are also grown in Delaware.

In 2004, Emmalea Ernest, University of Delaware Extension Associate for Vegetable Crops, began a lima bean breeding program. The goal of the breeding program is to develop new varieties of lima beans, which possess disease resistance and are well adapted to Delaware’s growing conditions and production practices.

The first green baby lima lines developed in the breeding program were tested in replicated yield trials in 2008. Fordhook breeding lines from the UD program were first trialed in 2010.  


Baby & Fordhook Lima Bean Trials

Below is a table of trial results saved into pdf report format.

















A graphic overview of the lima breeding program.
A graphic overview of the lima breeding program.

Vegetable Crop Budgets and Irrigation Cost Calculators


The Delaware Processing Vegetable Crop Budgets and Fresh Market Vegetable Budgets are updated every five years.  The vegetable budgets are available as downloadable Excel files with a static example worksheet and an editable worksheet, where values may be changed to reflect an individual grower’s production situation.

Processing Vegetables

Fresh Market Vegetables

Irrigation Cost Calculators

Baby Lima Beans
Pickling Cucumbers
Snap Beans
Sweet Corn

Bell Pepper
Seedless Watermelon
Sweet Corn

Diesel Center Pivot

Electric Center Pivot

Drip Irrigation


Additional resources

Crop Production | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware

Program contacts


Learn more (production)

Crop Production | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware
Crop Production | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware
Crop Production | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware
Crop Production | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware