Animal Science Programs
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These are statewide large animal science youth programs, designed to engage and excite young people in the STEM based field of animal science while developing life skills such as leadership, responsibility, caring, recordkeeping and good sportsmanship.
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Contests & Events:
Dairy, Equine, Livestock and Poultry
Contest and events information has moved and is now available on the main Delaware 4-H Contests & Events webpage. Click below!
Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity
All Breed Summer Calves
Co-Chairs: John Hickey & Charmayne Busker
To participate in the Futurity for Summer Calves, a calf must be nominated by May 1. All calves, born June 1 to August 31 of the prior year inclusive, of any dairy breed are eligible to enter the Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity. Calves MUST be exhibited by a Delaware State Fair Junior Dairy Exhibitor. Leased animals are eligible and an exhibitor must be named on the last entry on May 1.
- John Hickey: john.w.hickey@monsanto.com — 410-708-3054
- Charmayne Busker: cpbusker@gmail.com — 302-270-2629
The Leasing Program pertains to registered breeding stock of the following dairy breeds:
- Ayrshire
- Brown Swiss
- Guernsey
- Holstein
- Jersey
- Milking Shorthorn
- Dairy Princess North East region
- Delaware Cow Camp Registration Information
- Activities will be scheduled throughout the camp to give participants experiences
with fitting and showmanship as well as an introduction to some dairy science related topics.
- Activities will be scheduled throughout the camp to give participants experiences
- 4-H/FFA Rate of Gain Contest Details and Entry Form & Record Sheet
- Quick Tips for Choosing a Market Project Animal
- Project Guidelines
- Vaccination Programs
- Deworming 4-H Livestock Market Project Animals
- Livestock Judging Online resources - There are a lot of new educational resources online to assist livestock project leaders in providing educational opportunities for youth under their direction.
- Cyber Livestock Judging - Utah State Extension
- Livestockjudging.com
- TheJudgingConnection.com
- Cyber Livestock Judging - Utah State Extension
- Livestock Judging Guide from Kansas State
- Avian Bowl - Think you know a lot about poultry? Why not test your knowledge in an avian bowl contest?
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA)
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national quality assurance education and certification program. The program focuses on animal well being, proper medication and drug use, recordkeeping and life skill development related to livestock projects. This certification is required on an annual basis in order to enter and exhibit a market goat, market hog, market lamb and a market steer at the Delaware State Fair.
The Delaware State Fair is a terrific opportunity to showcase all you have done in the 4-H program.
Contact information
For more information about 4-H animal science programs, please contact Susan Garey in the Kent County Cooperative Extension Offices at truehart@udel.edu or (302) 730-4000.