4-H Alumni
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"4-H was a really big part of my life growing up. It made me who I am today. As a 4-H'er, you never lose the lessons that you learned. 4-H helped me realize that at a young age you can still have an impact on your community..."
— Aubrey Plaza
Actor, Producer
Delaware 4-H Alumna
Distinguished 4-H Alumni Medallion Honoree
Alumni check-in
Were you a 4-Her? Odds are pretty good that you are one of our alumni, since one out of every seven Americans was once a member of 4-H!
We are proud that 4-H is the largest organized out-of-school educational program for youth in this country. 4-H has a strong tradition in success, helping kids develop into the best adults they can be. Delaware 4-H wants to identify and recognize former 4-H'ers who have really made a difference in their communities and/or in their professions at the local, state or national level.
Alumni newsletter
Keep in touch with Delaware 4-H and your fellow alumni by signing up for our free newsletter! Check out the links below for archived versions of the newsletter.