Integrated Weed Management (2020)

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Tractor spraying herbicide on wheat field.

Integrated Weed Management:

Reducing herbicide resistance in the Mid-Atlantic

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Herbicide-resistant weeds were first reported in the mid-Atlantic region in the 1970s. For the next thirty years, new herbicides were discovered and marketed to provide alternative options to farmers and prevent yield loss. However, weeds have continued to evolve resistance to new herbicides and new herbicide mechanisms of action.

As a result, farmers are spraying more herbicides and making additional herbicide applications, changes that increase production cost and management. Furthermore, without incorporating non-chemical tactics for weed management, farmers are at risk for increasing this troubling trend in herbicide-resistance. 


In 2020, the Cooperative Extension services from the University of Maryland, Virginia and the University of Delaware planned and presented the “Integrated Weed Management Workshop,” a two-day virtual training for farmers and ag-businesses. Training topics included:

  • What is herbicide resistance?

  • How to select herbicides based on mechanism of action,

  • Integrated weed management for problem weeds,

  • Local farmers’ perspective on herbicide resistance management, and

  • Online exercises for creating a weed management plan.



Approximately 450 virtual participants attended the workshops, primarily connecting from within the Mid-Atlantic Region with additional connections throughout the United States. Out of this group, 155 individuals responded to the post-event survey. One hundred fifty-four of these participants indicated that the workshop increased their knowledge of herbicide-resistant weeds. One hundred twenty-seven affirmed that they would “be able to improve [their] weed control program in 2021,” while five answered “not sure,” and 22 said the question did not pertain to them because they do not farm or make recommendations.

Accounting for increased yield and reduced input costs, workshop participants who were farmers indicated that they placed this workshop’s value at $4.50 per acre; the advisor/consultant participants set its value at $3.33. Based on survey results, the economic impact of this program was $2.9 million overall. 



This program was made possible by the Maryland Soybean Board (financial sponsor), USDA Area-Wide Project, USDA NIFA Extension Implementation Program, Delaware Soybean Board, Virginia Soybean Board, Virginia Grain Producers and Maryland Grain Producers.