Helping Delaware Soybeans Grow

Helping Delaware Soybeans Grow

Delaware farmers planted 150,000 acres of soybeans in 2020. Before the 2021 growing season, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension personnel teamed up to provide important research updates. In March 2021, soybean prices were higher than previous years and continued to rise much of the spring. UD’s goal was to maximize profits for attendees. In 2021, varietal decisions were largely based around herbicide packages. Diseases, insects and weeds all reduce the potential yields of soybeans when present; proper fertilization is key for maximum return-on-investment.
To educate farmers, the UD’s extension specialist in entomology discussed common insect pests and management options. UD’s extension specialist in weed science discussed new herbicide packages in detail to educate farmers of their options. UD’s extension specialist in agronomy and Sussex County ag agent discussed avoidance of misapplication of chemicals by fertility recommendations and application strategies. Disease observations and nematode management options were presented by UD’s extension specialist in plant pathology. Resistance to weeds, insects and diseases was an overarching theme throughout the training and rotating chemistries to avoid resistance was covered along with cultural practices to limit each of the pests. Finally, the vice president of market intelligence from the United Soybean Board provided an overview of domestic and international soybean markets.
Attendees shared positive experiences about each of the topic areas presented at Soybean School and will apply the knowledge to their management strategy.
- 97.5 percent learned something new about soybean insect pests.
- 80 percent will change their insect management strategy.
- 90 percent learned something new about managing soybean cyst nematodes.
- 72.5 percent will change their soybean cyst nematode management strategy.
- 92.5 percent learned something new about potassium fertility in soybeans and 100 percent learned something new about fertigation.
- 62.5 percent will change their fertility management.
- 87.5 percent learned something new about weed control in soybeans.
- 73.7 percent will change their weed management strategy.
- 84.6 percent learned something new about soybean markets.
- 42.5 percent will change their soybean marketing strategy.
These management changes will lead to more profitable operations in the short term as pests are better controlled and long term as participants properly identify their pest and fertility issues and avoid misapplications of pesticides and fertilizers.
The Delaware Soybean Board, Maryland Soybean Board, United Soybean Board, and United States Department of Agriculture were partners and sponsoring organizations of the research presented at Soybean School.
Soybean School provided important updates before the 2021 growing season and potentially increased yield and profitability for the farmers who attended and knowledge to provide accurate recommendations for the advisors and scouts who attended. Profitability is key to the long-term resilience of grain farming operations in Delaware.